dariush alimohammadi darush55 at YAHOO.COM
Sun Jan 15 08:24:18 EST 2006

Dear members,

Hi. I have recently written an article entitled
“Webliometrics: a new horizon in information
research”. It has been accepted to be published in
LIBRARY REVIEW, Vol 55, No 6. I attach it to this
mail. Please read the article and tell me your

Best wishes,

Dariush Alimohammadi
Web Developer
Library, Museum & Documentation Center
Islamic Consultative Assembly
Baharestan Sq.
Tehran, Iran
P.O.Box: 11365-866
Tel: (0098-21) 33121968, 81952047 - (0098-261) 4302121
Email: Darush55 at yahoo.com or Webliographer at gmail.com
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/darush55/index.html

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