Names' transcription for prominent scientometrists

Vladimir Pislyakov pislyakov at HSE.RU
Mon Dec 18 08:43:44 EST 2006

Dear colleagues,

Currently I read proofs of my paper on bibliometric indicators which is to 
appear in Russian journal. The policy of this publication demands writing 
of the foreign names in Russian, while I have never heard most of them 
orally, just read their articles.

Please, could those of you who have certainly heard the names at 
conferences, during personal communication etc. let me know how they are 
pronounced so that I could correctly transcribe them in Russian. The names 

- Glänzel
- Moed
- Schoepflin

Thank you in advance.


Vladimir Pislyakov 
Assistant Director for Electronic Resources Management 
Higher School of Economics Library 
20 Myasnitskaya street 
Moscow, 101000 
Tel.: +7 (495) 6213785
Fax: +7 (495) 6287931
E-mail: pislyakov at 

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