Kushkowski JD. "Web citation by graduate students: A comparison of print and electronic theses" PORTAL-LIBRARIES AND THE ACADEMY 5 (2). APR 2005.. p.259-276. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Wed May 11 11:06:45 EDT 2005

Jeff Kushkowski :   kushkows at iastate.edu

TITLE:          Web citation by graduate students: A comparison of print
                and electronic theses (Article, English)

AUTHOR:         Kushkowski, JD

                p.259-276 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV PRESS, BALTIMORE

ABSTRACT:       This article reports on the Web citation behavior of
print and electronic thesis authors at Iowa State and Virginia Tech from
1997 to 2003. Citations from print theses were compared with those
submitted as an electronic thesis or dissertation (ETD). This study
suggests that students who are required to publish their theses digitally
exhibit citation behavior that is no different from students who produce
their theses in print. Web citations accounted for 2.2 percent of
citations in print theses and 5.4 percent of citations in ETDs.
Persistence of Web citations was uniformly poor. The implications for
library services and future research directions are discussed.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: JD Kushkowski, Iowa State Univ, Ames, IA USA

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