Average number of annual articles per researcher

Stevan Harnad harnad at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK
Sat Jun 18 07:40:51 EDT 2005

Forwarding, in case Dr. Swan's direct posting did not get through
because she is not on the sigmet list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 05:47:30 +0100
From: Alma Swan
To: 'Stevan Harnad'
     'stephen strauss'
Subject: RE: note from stephen strauss

> > and what is the average output of these per researcher.
> I don't have data on annual number of articles per
> researcher, though it might exist. (I branch this to Alma
> Swan, who may have some data.) My guess is that it varies
> between 2 and 10+ for a productive researcher, with mode at
> around 3 or 4.)

Data extracted from our recent report are attached here. These are actual
answers from actual researchers, rather than one of the estimates frequently
made by industry-watchers (like me!). It varies considerably by discipline,
as would be expected. You're probably not far off with your estimate of the
overall mode, Stevan.

Alma P Swan, BSc, PhD, MBA
Key Perspectives Ltd
2 Denver Place
Elm Grove Road
Tel: +44 (0)1392 879702
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