CfP: Special Issue of Environment and Planning B on “Mapping Humanity's Knowledge and Expertise in the Digital Domain”

Katy Borner katy at INDIANA.EDU
Sat Jul 23 10:50:56 EDT 2005

Call for Submissions
Special Issue of Environment and Planning B
“Mapping Humanity's Knowledge and Expertise in the Digital Domain”

Guest Editors
André Skupin, San Diego State University, skupin at
Katy Börner, Indiana University, katy at

Definition and Scope

This special issue aims to provide an overview of major research on the
visualization of humanity’s collective knowledge and expertise, as it
exists in a digital form.

Some of the leading-edge research on this topic is found where geography
intersects with information / library science, computer science,
cognitive science, graphic design, history and other fields. The special
issue of Environment and Planning B will present papers on the broad
foundations, computational methods, software systems, and evaluation of
such data analyses and visualizations, as they have emerged in this
interdisciplinary endeavor. Given the importance of efficient knowledge
and expertise management at a time of accelerating information flood, we
wish to bring major researchers and their work together in this special
issue to initiate a major push of research in this area. The metaphors
and organizing principles provided by geographic space have received
increasing recognition within these diverse disciplines. Publication in
Environment and Planning B will help to further broaden the impact that
spatial sciences have on efforts to organize large repositories of
non-georeferenced data.

List of Possible Topics

We invite submissions of authors from a variety of disciplines such as
geographic information science, cognitive science, digital libraries,
database design, data analysis/mining, information visualization,
interface design, and others.

The recent special issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of
Science on 'Mapping Knowledge Domains' is a good example of the
diversity of skills and theories required to map humanity's scholarly
knowledge and expertise.

The following are some of the topics that papers might address:
•   Historical, Sociological, or Philosophical Perspectives on Knowledge
•   Knowledge Discovery, Representation, and Diffusion
•   Invisible Colleges, Scientific Networks, Social Networks
•   Bibliometric and Scientometric Approaches
•   Models of the Structure and Dynamic of Scientific Disciplines
•   Spatial Metaphors, Geographic Principles, and Cartographic Methods
•   Interaction Techniques and Storytelling
•   Map Evaluation, Validation, and Interpretation
•   Case Studies and Infrastructure Development

Submission Process

We ask that authors send a tentative title and abstract to the editors
by September 15, in order to expedite later editorial and peer review
procedures. Then, by November 15, submit to both editors an electronic
copy of your paper (up to 6000-8000 words; preferably in Microsoft Word
format). All submissions will then undergo a rigorous peer review
process to determine the contributions to appear in this special issue,
in accordance with the timeline indicated below. A total of 5-6 papers
will be included in this issue.


Call for papers issued:         July 15, 2005
Notices of Intent Due:      September 15, 2005
Full papers due:                November 15, 2005
Peer reviews due:               January 1, 2005
Authors notified:               January 15, 2005
Revisions due:                 March 1, 2006

About the Guest Editors

André Skupin is an assistant professor of Geography at San Diego State
University. Prior to this he held an associate professor position at the
University of New Orleans. One of his core research interests is the
application of geographic metaphors, cartographic principles, and GIS
techniques in the visualization of non-geographic information.
His research is strongly interdisciplinary, aimed especially at
increased cross-fertilization between geography and information science.
For example, he has worked on new approaches to create map-like
visualizations from large document collections. Results have been
published in such journals as Cartography and Geographic Information
Science, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Computing in Science
and Engineering, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences. Dr. Skupin is currently co-editing a book on applications of
self-organizing maps in geographic information science for Wiley. He has
served on program committees of the Annual Meeting of the Association of
American Geographers (AAG) and of a number of international workshops
dealing with digital library interfaces.
See also

Katy Börner is an associate professor in the School of Library and
Information Science at Indiana University. In addition, she is an
adjunct associate professor of Informatics, core faculty in Cognitive
Science, and a research affiliate of the Biocomplexity Institute. She
conducts research on the analysis and modeling of large scale data sets
and the design of cyberinfrastructures
Dr. Börner has co-organized diverse international workshops, conferences
and symposia and co-edited several special journal issues as well as a
Springer book on 'Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries'. She is the
co-editor of the recent PNAS 101 (Suppl. 1) 2004 issue on 'Mapping
Knowledge Domains'. Her research is funded by grants from the National
Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, James S. McDonnell
Foundation, SBC (formerly Ameritech), and SUN Microsystems.
See also

Katy Borner, Associate Professor
Information Science & Cognitive Science
Indiana University, SLIS
10th Street & Jordan Avenue     Phone:  (812) 855-3256   Fax: -6166
Main Library 019                E-mail: katy at
Bloomington, IN 47405, USA      WWW:

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