Dr. Manfred Bonitz
m.bonitz at FZ-ROSSENDORF.DE
Sat Feb 12 08:08:14 EST 2005
Dear Ruben,
I found for you the email-address of one of the authors of the
paper you're interested in:
Marlene Fries
Bayerisches Staatsinstitut fuer Hochschulforschung und Hochschulplanung (IHF)
Prinzregentenstr. 24
80538 Muenchen
Tel. 089/21234-413
Fax 089/21234-450
E-Mail: Fries at
I recommend you to contact her directly.
Best wishes
Manfred Bonitz
Am Freitag, 11. Februar 2005 20:49 schrieben Sie:
Hello all,
Please, may be some of you have an English summary of this paper. I am not
a German reader.
Finkenstaedt, Thomas & Fries, Marlene. Zur Forschungsmessung in den
Geisteswissenschaften. Ad Acta, 3:110-164, 1978.
Thank you for all your help.
Ruben Urbizagastegui
University of California, Riverside
University Libraries
P.O. Box 5900
Riverside, California 92517-5900
Manfred Bonitz
Dr. rer. nat. habil.
Halbkreisstrasse 17
01187 Dresden / Germany
phone: ++49 351 401 0760
email: bonitz at
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