Cost/benefit per article/citation
Gangan Prathap
Mon Apr 18 23:16:28 EDT 2005
In India, we worked this out to be approx $200,000 a paper (approx. Rs.
1 crore = Rs. 10 million).
Gangan Prathap
Stevan Harnad wrote:
>Adminstrative info for SIGMETRICS (for example unsubscribe):
>On Sun, 17 Apr 2005, Mike Kurtz wrote:
>>I am away so I cannot work this out, but the cost per refereed paper in
>>astronomy is between 0.5 and 1 Million $US. This just takes the number
>>of refereed pubs and divides into the 6-7 G$ cost of the field per year.
>>It is $1M if you only take the main joutrnals.
>>If each article references 20 papers (a good guess, I can do beter
>>when home) then > the value of each cite is @5-50 thousand $ NOT $500.
>Dear Mike,
>Thanks so much. That's a very interesting and useful calculation, but
>not quite what I meant! You are there giving the *cost* per article (or
>citation), whereas I was asking about the *value* (benefit, return) per
>article and citation (for those whose salaries and/or research funding
>covary with article and citation counts).
>Hal Varian (many thanks Hal!) construed my query in the direction I had
>intended, and replied with the 4 references below. A 20 year old study
>across fields by Diamond found the marginal value of a citation to vary
>from $50 to $1300, depending on the discipline and its annual number of
>annual articles per author, and depending also on whether it is for the
>1st citation (above 0) or the Nth.
>It would be wonderful to have a more recent estimate of the marginal
>dollar value per citation (to the author and/or the author's institution),
>across disciplines, now that we are in the online age! (That would help
>me translate the OA citation advantage into the only language that
>everyone seems to understand: dollars!)
>Chrs, S
>PS (Even for the cost per article (or citation), I would rather divide the
>number of articles published annually by astro journals into the total
>annual revenue of astor journals. There I think the average cost is
>about $2000 per article (of which only about 25% is for implementing
>peer review, which I think is the only essential cost: the rest could be
>scrapped, the journal doing and certifying the outcome of the peer
>review, and all archiving and access-provision offloaded onto that
>author's institution (and funder).)
>Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 16:19:09 UT
>From: hal at
>To: harnad at
>Subject: value of a citation
>There's a reasonable amount of work in this area. Here are a few JSTOR
>Title: Economists' Salaries and Lifetime Productivity
>Author(s): Lawrence W. Kenny; Roger E. Studley
>Source: Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 62, No. 2. (Oct., 1995),
> pp. 382-393.
>Stable URL:
>Title: What is a Citation Worth?
>Author(s): Arthur M. Diamond Jr.
>Source: The Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 21, No. 2. (Spring,
> 1986), pp. 200-215.
>Abstract: A robust finding in all studies is that citations are a
> positive and significant determinant of earnings over
> almost all of the observed range of citation levels. The
> marginal value of a citation (when the level of citations
> is zero) varies between $50 and $1,300. Some
> differences in marginal values may be due to differences
> in citation practices among disciplines while others may
> be due to differences among the studies in the control
> variables included in the salary regressions. Finally, no
> gain in explanatory power results from the inclusion in
> the salary regression of the costly nonfirst-author
> citation measure.
>Title: Estimates of the Returns to Quality and Coauthorship in
> Economic Academia
>Author(s): Raymond D. Sauer
>Source: The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 96, No. 4. (Aug.,
> 1988), pp. 855-866.
>Stable URL:
>Abstract: Salaries of academic economists are studied to determine
> if individuals receive differential returns to publishing
> articles of varying quality and to coauthored versus
> single-authored articles. Estimates based on detailed data
> and a flexible nonlinear least-squares procedure indicate
> that substantial returns to quality exist and that an
> individual's return from a coauthored paper with n authors
> is approximately 1/n times that of a single-authored
> paper.
>Title: Scholarship, Citations and Salaries: Economic Rewards in
> Economics
>Author(s): Daniel S. Hamermesh; George E. Johnson; Burton A.
> Weisbrod
>Source: Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 49, No. 2. (Oct., 1982),
> pp. 472-481.
>Stable URL:
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