Refeering and the single author
James Hartley
j.hartley at PSY.KEELE.AC.UK
Tue Apr 5 07:00:42 EDT 2005
Colleagues may be interested in having a copy of one of my publications just out called, 'Refeering and the single author'. This paper appeared in the Journal of Information Science, 2005, 31, 3, 251-256.
The abstract is as follows:
The reported refeering times taken from submission to acceptance forpsychology journal articles were assessed in three separate studies, and the results then pooled. The pooled data suggested (i) that the papers of single authors were refereed faster than were those of pairs or or larger groups, and (ii) that the papers of single authors that contained portions that had been previously reported at conferences were refereed fastest of all. Some limitations of these studies that might have a bearing on these conclusions are considered.
Copies of the paper are available from me at j.hartley at
James Hartley
School of Psychology
Keele University
j.hartley at
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