ELPUB 2005 First Call for Papers

Jane Russell jrussell at SERVIDOR.UNAM.MX
Tue Nov 23 12:42:50 EST 2004

Elpub2005 - 9th ICCC International Conference on Electronic Publishing

8 to 10 June 2005, Leuven-Heverlee (Belgium)




ICCC 9th International Conference on Electronic Publishing,

to be organised by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 8-10 June

keynote speaker: Lou Burnard, Oxford University Computing Services

ELPUB 2005 - From Author to Reader: Challenges for the Digital Content Chain

The conference will be hosted by the Research Group on Document
Architectures of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium's oldest and
largest university. It will take place in the picturesque Arenberg Castle
(Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium).

This 9th ELPUB conference will keep the tradition of the eight previous
international conferences on electronic publishing, held in the United
Kingdom (in 1997 and 2001), Hungary (1998), Sweden (1999), Russia (2000),
the Czech Republic (2002), Portugal (2003) and Brazil (2004), which is to
bring together researchers, lecturers, librarians, developers,
businessmen, entrepreneurs, managers, users and all those interested on
issues regarding electronic publishing in widely differing contexts. These
include the human, cultural, economic, social, technological, legal,
commercial and other relevant aspects that such an exciting theme

Three distinguished features of this conference are:

-- broad scope of topics which creates a unique atmosphere of active
exchange and learning about various aspects of electronic publishing;

-- combination of general and technical tracks;

-- condensed procedure of submission, revision and publication of
proceedings which guarantees presentations of most recent work.

Elpub 2005 offers a variety of activities, such as workshops, tutorials,
panel debates etc. Thus, the conference attendees will benefit from:

-- The communication of scientific papers specially prepared for the
conference; all papers are to be reviewed and accepted by the
international ELPUB Programme Committee;

-- Workshops and tutorials that aim to provide opportunity for attendants
to update themselves in topics of high interest within this community of

-- Plenary sessions that aim to summarise the main ideas presented and
discussed during the presentation of the conference papers;

-- Panel debates on selected topics; possible topics include news item
publishing or new methods, including Open Access, for publishing
scientific literature;

-- Demonstration sessions and presentation of posters.

The keynote speech of ELPUB 2005 will be presented by Lou Burnard. He is
co-editor of the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines, Assistant Director
of Oxford University Computing Services and has an impressive experience
in text encoding and humanities computing which play key role in
electronic publishing.

A special session on institutional repositories will be organised by
Leslie Chan, University of Toronto at Scarborough (Canada).


The ELPUB 2005 conference invites contributions for papers, tutorials,
workshops, posters and demonstrations on the following topics:


-- Open archiving and institutional repositories: organisation,
administration, faculty involvement, content policies, technical options

-- Integrated and personalized digital information services

-- Digital preservation and access: reliability and quality issues

-- The libraries as content providers

-- The publication cycle of electronic publications: manuscript handling,
reviewing, production and distribution in multiple formats, publication on
demand, customisation of publications

-- Metadata use and interoperability

-- The Semantic Web: how to cope with lacking metadata?

-- Copyright issue in electronic publishing

-- Multilingual and multimodal interfaces

-- Electronic publishing for users with disabilities

-- The publishers of today and tomorrow: training needs and approaches

-- New services and products for academics, executives, governors, media

-- New media use by authorities: advantages and pitfalls

-- Infocracy / info-exclusion / digital divide

-- Paperless society: myth or (future) reality

-- Security, privacy and other issues regarding information availability
on the web

-- Digital libraries for different communities of users

-- Electronic publishing in eLearning applications

-- Business impact of electronic publishing


-- The use of XML and its related technologies; XML applications and
retrieval models

-- Web services in electronic publishing systems

-- Internet publishing with content portals and content syndication

-- Image data bases in electronic publishing

-- Electronic books, magazines and newspaper

-- Electronic publishing tools serving virtual communities

-- Electronic publishing in edutainment

-- Large scale technical documents and manuals

-- Electronic publishing for mobile services

-- Development and use of codification mechanisms, technologies and tools
for the metadata encoding process: MHP/OAI, RDF, DC, etc.

-- Open source tools

-- Content search, analysis and retrieval on the Web

-- Electronic peer-to-peer (P2P) technologies

-- Interoperability and scalability of Web publishing applications

-- Coupling of textual and graphical information sources (SVG)

-- Ontologies and classification

-- Development and use of technologies for security, preservation and
quality assurance of information sources and information access channels

-- Electronic publishing of music

-- Technologies for the integration of recommendations, guidelines,
standards, and standards proposals

Please, note that the list of topics is not exhaustive. Therefore,
submissions on any topic within the overall conference theme will be


Contributions are invited for the following categories:

-- Single papers (abstract max of 1500 words)

-- Tutorial (abstract max of 1500 words)

-- Workshop (abstract max of 1500 words)

-- Poster (abstract max of 500 words)

-- Demonstration (abstract max of 500 words)

Deadlines for abstracts' submission:

-- Workshops and tutorials: December 15, 2004

-- Papers, posters and demonstrations: January 17, 2005

The abstracts (text only, simple formatting, please, mention the type of
submission - workshop, tutorial, paper, poster or demonstration before the
title) should be sent following the instructions on the conference website

The Programme Committee will notify the authors of the acceptance of
submitted papers by February 28, 2005.

Authors then will have to submit their full papers by April 30, 2005,
following specific instructions that will be available at that time.

Speakers will be given 20 minutes for their presentation, plus 10 minutes
max. for discussion.

All Full Papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Posters (total surface app. 1m2) and demonstration materials must be
brought by their authors at the conference time and only abstracts will be
published in the conference proceedings.

Workshops and tutorials proposals will be discussed with authors in due


Host: Research Group on Document Architectures of the Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven

General Chair: Jan J. Engelen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

jan.engelen at esat.kuleuven.ac.be

Programme Chair: Milena Dobreva, Institute for Mathematics and
Informatics, Sofia, Bulgaria

dobreva at math.bas.bg


Baker Thomas (Fraunhofer Institut Sankt Augustin, Germany)

Baptista Ana Alice (University of Minho, Portugal)

Borbinha Jose Luis (National Library of Portugal, Portugal)

Bormans Geert  (Stilo Europe, Belgium)

Cetto Ana Maria (International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria)

Chan Leslie (University of Toronto at Scarborough, Canada)

Costa Sely M. S. (University of Brasilia, Brazil)

Delgado Jaime (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)

Diocaretz Myriam (ECDC/Infonomics, The Netherlands)

Dobreva Milena (Inst. of Mathematics and Informatics, Acad. Sciences,

Engelen Jan (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)

Gradmann Stefan (University of Hamburg, Germany)

Hermans Paul (Pro Text, an Amplexor Company, Belgium)

Ikonomov Nikola (Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgaria)

Iyengar Arun (IBM Research, USA)

Jezek Karel (University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic)

Juhola Helene (Federation of the Finnish Media Industry, Finland)

Knoll Adolf (Czech National Library, Czech Republic)

Kreulich Klaus (Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany)

Krottmaier Harald (University of Technology, Graz, Austria)

Linde Peter (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)

Mac an Airchinnigh Micheal (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)

Martens Bob (Technical University Vienna, Austria)

Moens Marie-Francine (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)

Paepen Bert (Kath. Univ. Leuven-Docarch, Belgium)

Perantonis Stavros (Inst. of Informatics and Telecommunications, NCSR
"Demokritos", Greece)

Russell Jane (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico)

Schranz Markus (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

Smith John W. T. (University of Kent at Canterbury, UK)

Sousa Pinto Joaquim (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)

Tonta Yasar  (Dept. of Information Management, Hacettepe University, Turkey)

For additional information and this call for papers, please contact the
Programme Chair:

dobreva at math.bas.bg.

For general enquiries, please send information requests to
elpub2005 at elpub.net.

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