Lim K. "The relationship between research and innovation in the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries (1981-1997)" Research Policy 33(2): 287-321 March 2004

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Tue May 25 16:23:39 EDT 2004

Kwanghui Lim : k at

TITLE    The relationship between research and innovation in the
         semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries (1981-1997)
JOURNAL  RESEARCH POLICY 33 (2): 287-321 MAR 2004

Document type: Article     Language: English     Cited References: 70
Times Cited: 0      Explanation

This paper evaluates the impact of basic and applied research on innovation
in two industries. Whereas innovation in the pharmaceutical industry is
closely tied to both basic and applied research, innovation in the
semiconductor industry depends mainly upon applied research. Surprisingly,
many firms perform little basic research, but they produce many
innovations. Within each industry, firms pursue different R&D strategies:
firms that emphasize basic research absorb more basic scientific knowledge
than those that emphasize applied research. These findings suggest that
future research must carefully consider how industry context and the
composition of R&D mediate the relationship between research and
innovation. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Author Keywords:
semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, innovation, basic research, absorptive

KeyWords Plus:

Lim K, Natl Univ Singapore, Sch Business, BIZ2-03-10, Singapore 117591,
Natl Univ Singapore, Sch Business, Singapore 117591, Singapore


IDS Number:



Performing patent-to-science citations is highly laborious, and so I only
performed it for the 15 semi-conductor firms having the most patents.
Between 1981 and 1997, these firms produced 49,121 relevant applied
publications, 15,294 relevant basic publications and 32,076 relevant
patents.  I analyzed the citations contained within these patents to the
top 30 basic journals and the top 30 applied journals.  Only a small number
of journals are included, but this does not pose a problem because
theyconstitute the core journals in the field of semi-conductor research.
According to experts in bibliography, the core journals within a scientific
field account for the lion's share of all citations;  This effect is known
as Zipf's Law (Garfield 1980).

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