Lewison G. "Beyond outputs: new measures of biomedical research impact" ASLIB Proceedings 55(1-2):32-42 2003.

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Mon May 24 15:51:42 EDT 2004

Grant Lewison : g.lewison at soi.city.ac.uk

Author(s): Lewison, G

Title: Beyond outputs: new measures of biomedical research impact

Source: ASLIB PROCEEDINGS, 55 (1-2): 32-42 2003

Language: English    Document Type: Article
Keywords: information science, mass media, research, international standards

Abstract: Biomedical research evaluation has traditionally been based on
analysis of outputs and their citations by other papers. However we should
try to map the routes by which research actually improves patient care and
reduces illness, and develop indicators for them. We must allow for the
lengthy time-scales involved and the importance of researchers being
physically close to healthcare professionals, whose practice can be
improved through international and governmental regulations and through
approved guidelines. Each of these will depend on a body of research
evidence. We must also evaluate the effects of research on policy makers
and the public, who often learn about it through the World Wide Web and
through the mass media, particularly newspapers. The latter provide a major
bibliometric resource but one that needs to be tapped in individual
countries using common standards in order to provide internationally-
comparable indicators.
Addresses: City Univ London, CIBER, Dept Informat Sci, London EC1V 0HB,
Reprint Address: Lewison, G, City Univ London, CIBER, Dept Informat Sci,
London EC1V 0HB, England
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Publisher: EMERALD

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