A connectionist and multivariate approach to science maps: SOM and statistics techniques applied to Library & Information Science research

Adrian Dale (Journal of Information Science) Adrian.Dale at CREATIFICA.COM
Sat Jan 31 13:48:25 EST 2004

We have received the following paper for review:

A connectionist and multivariate approach to science maps: SOM and
statistics techniques applied to Library & Information Science research

The visualization of scientific field structures is a classic
application of scientometric studies. This paper presents a domain
analysis of the Library & Information Science discipline based on author
cocitation analysis (ACA) and journal cocitation analysis (JCA). The
techniques used for map construction are the Self-Organizing Map (SOM)
neural algorithm, Ward´s clustering method and Multidimensional Scaling
(MDS). The results of this study are compared with similar research
developed by Howard White and Katherine McCain.

We are looking for a panel of suitably qualified referees for this paper
- if you feel you have the necessary background and could complete the
review in 28 days, please drop me an e-mail and I'll forward the paper.
The paper remains the copyright of the author until it is accepted for
publication - at which point the copyright is assigned to the Chartered
Institute of Library and Information Professionals - CILIP.

Adrian Dale
Journal of Information Science
EMail:  Adrian.Dale at Creatifica.com
Tel:    +44 1933 622624
Fax:    +44 870 127 8215
Mobile: +44 7850 570007
Paper:  Creatifica House, 21 Water Lane, Chelveston, Wellingborough,
Northants, NN9 6AP, UK

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