Gittelman, M; Kogut, B "Does good science lead to valuable knowledge? Biotechnology firms And the evolutionary logic of citation patterns" mANAGEMENT sCIENCE, 49(4):366-382 aPRIL 2003

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Mon Sep 29 13:01:12 EDT 2003

Michelle Gittelman : mgittelm at
Bruce Kogut : kogut at

pdf file available at :

Source of data used is DERWENT BIOTECH ABSTRACTS

Author(s): Gittelman, M; Kogut, B
Title:     Does good science lead to valuable knowledge? Biotechnology firms
           and the evolutionary logic of citation patterns
Source:    MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 49 (4): 366-382 APR 2003

 Document type: Article   Language: English
 Cited References: 41     Times Cited: 1

This study looks at the United States biotechnology industry as a community
of practice caught between two evolutionary logics by which valuable
scientific knowledge and valuable innovations are selected. We analyze the
publications and patents of 116 biotechnology firms during the period
1988-1995. In models that link scientific capabilities to patent citations,
we show that scientific ideas are not simply inputs into inventions;
important scientific ideas and influential patents follow different and
conflicting selection logics. Publication, collaboration, and science
intensity are associated with patented innovations; however, important
scientific papers are negatively associated with high-impact innovations.
These results point to conflicting logics between science and innovation,
and scientists must contribute to both while inhabiting a single epistemic
community. We identify individuals listed on patents and scientific papers
and find they effectively integrate science with innovation, leading to more
successful innovations. Our findings suggest that the role of the small,
research-intensive firm is to create a repository of knowledge; to
act as an organizational mechanism to combine the capabilities of versatile
scientists within and outside the boundaries of the firm; and to manage the
selection of scientific ideas to produce valuable technical innovations.

Author Keywords:
science, citations, patents, scientists, epistemic community, biotechnology

KeyWords Plus:

Gittelman M, NYU, Stern Sch Business, Dept Management & Org Behav, 44 W 4th
St,Tisch 7-11, New York, NY 10012 USA
NYU, Stern Sch Business, Dept Management & Org Behav, New York, NY 10012 USA
Univ Penn, Wharton Sch, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA
Ecole Polytech, Ctr Rech Gest, F-75005 Paris, France

400, LINTHICUM HTS, MD 21090-2909 USA

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Eugene Garfield, PhD.  email: garfield at
home page:
Tel: 215-243-2205 Fax 215-387-1266
President, The Scientist LLC.
Chairman Emeritus, ISI
Past President, American Society for Information Science and Technology

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