Bonnevie E. "A multifaceted portraig of a library and information science Journal: the case of the Journal of Information Science" JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE 29(1):11-23, 2003

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Fri Jun 27 15:09:05 EDT 2003

Ellen Bonnevie : eb at

A multifaceted portrait of a library and information science Journal: the
case of the Journal of Information Science
Bonnevie E
29 (1): 11-23 2003

Document type: Article     Language: English     Cited References: 28
Times Cited: 0

This paper presents an analysis of a journal in the field of library and
information science by means of a variety of bibliometric methods. The
journal selected is Journal of Information Science (JIS). The methods are
mainly publication and citation analyses, including a journal co-citation
analysis, self-citation analyses, an overlap analysis, as well as Lotka's
law regarding authorship characteristics. This variety of methods provides a
multifaceted image. The analyses are focused on the last 25 years, since the
basis of research primarily is ISI's citation databases and LISA, in which
JIS has been indexed since 1979. The library and information science journal
is pictured by a catalogue of different methodologies as a supplement to
Journal Impact Factor (JIF), the usual tool of journal evaluation in
measuring the impact of a journal. The areas of study are the visibility of
the journal in databases, the pattern of authorship, the pattern of
self-citations, internalization and scientific impact. The methods employed
in analysing JIS supplement and sustain other analyses in the field of
library and information science journals.

KeyWords Plus:

Bonnevie E, Royal Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Inst Informat Studies, Birketinget
6, DK-2300 Copenhagen, Denmark
Royal Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Inst Informat Studies, DK-2300 Copenhagen,


IDS Number:


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