Lomonte B, Ainsworth S. "Scientific publications from Costa Rica in the Science Citation Index: bibliometric analysis during 1999-2001" REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL 50 (3-4): 951-962 SEP-DEC 2002

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Thu Jun 26 17:27:57 EDT 2003

Bruno Lomonte : blomonte at cariari.ucr.ac.cr

TITLE     Scientific publications from Costa Rica in the
          Science Citation Index: bibliometric analysis during 1999-2001

AUTHOR    Lomonte B, Ainsworth S


 Document type: Review  Language: Spanish
 Cited References: 25    Times Cited: 0

This study analyzed the publications of authors from Costa Rican
institutions that were included in the Science Citation Index (SCI) during
1999-2001. Out of the 722 references detected, distributed in 328 journals,
90.7% corresponded to original research articles. The total productivity
figures showed a moderately increasing trend, both in absolute and
population-adjusted terms, in concordance with previous data recorded for
the period 1980-1998. The contribution of Revista de Biologia Tropical to
these figures corresponded to 10.0%, 8.9%, and 19.1%, for the years 1999,
2000, and 200 1, respectively, The subject distribution of articles followed
a similar pattern to that described for 1980-1998, with a predominance of
biomedical (33.3%) and biological (27.5%) sciences, followed by agronomical
(15.5%) sciences, chemistry (13.6%), physics (5.0%), geological sciences
(3.6%), and mathematics (1.5%). Citation analyses for individual
publications (up to July 15, 2002) revealed that only 45.2% of the articles
had been cited at least once. The ten most cited references were analyzed,
varying from 26 to 114 citations. The average citation per article was 2.60,
and the average number of authors per article was 2.92. In agreement with
data from 1980-1998, the University of Costa Rica appeared as the
institution with highest productivity of SCI publications during 1999-2001,
with a contribution of 50.0%. The percentage of publications performed
without the participation of foreign co-authors; showed a change in its
decreasing trend of 1980-1998, stabilizing near the range of 25-30% during
the period 1999-2001.

Author Keywords:
bibliometry, Costa Rica, publications, sciences

Lomonte B, Univ Costa Rica, Fac Microbiol, Inst Clodomiro Picado, San Jose,
Costa Rica
Univ Costa Rica, Fac Microbiol, Inst Clodomiro Picado, San Jose, Costa Rica
Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico, Inst Biotecnol, Cuernavaca 62191, Morelos, Mexico


IDS Number:


 Cited Author            Cited Work                Volume      Page  Year

                       CIENCIA TECNOLOGIA C                            1992
                       CITATION ANAL GUIDEL                            2002
                       ISI JCR                                         2002
                       LATINDEX                                        2002
                       NOTE BIBLIOMETRY                                2002
                       RED IBEROAMERICANA I                            2002
                       RED IBEROAMERICANA I                            2001
                       SCI CITATION INDEX 1                            2001
                       STATE SCI TECHNOLOGY                            2001
 AYALA FJ              SCIENCE                      267       826      1995
 BARRE R               WORLD SCI REPORT                        20      1998
 CORONADO G            OTRO LABERINTO                         257      1997
 GAILLARD J            RECHERCHE                     20       636      1989
 GARFIELD E            SCIENCE                      178       471      1972
 GIBBS WW              SCI AM                       273        92      1995
 GRACIA JM             NACION          0704                     3      1998
 GUTIERREZ JM          IN PRESS REV BIOL TR                            2002
 HAUFFE H              13 WINT BIOCH CLIN A                            1994
 LOMONTE B             GIRASOL                        2         3      1999
 LOMONTE B             MEMORIAS ACAD NACL C           6        81      2000
 MONGENAJERA J         REV BIOL TROP                 36       347      1998
 OSAREH F              SCIENTOMETRICS                39       253      1997
 RODULFODEGIL E        INTERCIENCIA                  21       272      1996
 SHI W                 EUROPEAN J QUALITY F                    10      2002
 TESTA J               ISI DATABASE J SELEC                            2001

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