Eichhorn G; Accomazzi A; Grant CS; Kurtz MJ; Murray SS "The NASA Astrophysics Data System: Free access to the astronomical literature on-line and through email" ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE 2002, Vol 282, Iss 1, pp 299-340

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Fri Jan 31 12:08:31 EST 2003

Guenther Eichhorn :  gei at cfa.harvard.edu

NASA Astrophysical Database available at : http://ads.harvard.edu

Excerpt .......
"2.4  Citations and References:

The use of citation histories is a well known and effective tool for
academic research ([Garfield 1979]).  In 1996 the American Astronomical
Society purchased a subset of the Science Citation Index from the Institute
for Scientific Information, to be used in the ADS; this was updated in 1998.
 This subset only contains references which were already in the ADS, thus it
is seriously incomplete in referring to articles in the non-astronomical
literature.  This citation information from ISI spans January 1982-September

The electronic journals all have machine readable, web accessible, reference
pages.  The ADS points to these with a hyperlink where possible.  Several
publishers allow us to use these to maintain citation histories; we do this
using our reference resolver software.  The same software is also used  by
some publishers to check the validity of their references, pre-publication.

Additionally we use optical character recognition to create reference and
citation lists for the historical literature, after it is scanned
([Demleitner, et al. 1999]).  This process has handled over 10 million
references and added over 6 million parsed references to the ADS citation


Author(s):  Eichhorn G; Accomazzi A; Grant CS; Kurtz MJ; Murray SS
Title:      The NASA Astrophysics Data System: Free access to the
            astronomical literature on-line and through email
            Vol 282, Iss 1, pp 299-340
 Language:  English      Document Type: Article
 Number of cited references: 46
 ISSN/ISBN: 0004-640X
 Addresses: Eichhorn G, Harvard Smithsonian Ctr Astrophys, 60 Garden St,
Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
Harvard Smithsonian Ctr Astrophys, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

Abstract:   The Astrophysics Data System (ADS) provides access to the
astronomical literature through the  World Wide Web. It is a NASA funded
project and access to all the ADS services is free to everybody world-wide.
The ADS Abstract Service allows the searching of four databases with
abstracts in Astronomy, Instrumentation, Physics/Geophysics, and the LANL
Preprints with a total of over 2.2 million references. The system also
provides access to reference and citation information, links to on-line
data, electronic journal articles, and other on-line information. The ADS
Article Service contains the full articles for most of the astronomical
literature back to volume 1. It contains the scanned pages of all the major
journals (Astrophysical Journal, Astronomical Journal, Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, and Solar
Physics), as well as most smaller journals back to volume 1. The ADS can be
accessed through any web browser without signup or login. Alternatively an
email interface is available that allows our users to execute queries via
email and to retrieve scanned articles via email. This might be interesting
for users on slow or unreliable links, since the email system will retry
sending information automatically until the transfer is complete. There are
now 9 mirror sites of the ADS available in different parts of the world to
improve access. The ADS is available at: http://ads.harvard.edu.

Cited Author            Cited Work                Volume      Page    Year

 *AD SYST              POSTSCR LANG REF MAN                            1990
 *CIA                  CIA WORLD FACTB                                 1999
 *IEEE COMP SOC        10031995 IEEE                                   1995
 ACCOMAZZI A           ASTRON ASTROPHYS SUP         143        85      2000
 BARDEEN JM            ASTROPHYS J                  304        15      1986
 BELKIN NJ             INFORM PROCESS MANAG          31       431      1995
 BOYCE P               AM ASTRONOMICAL SOC          189       603      1996
 BOYCE PB              AM ASTRON SOC M              187      3801      1995
 BROMLEY BC            THESIS DARTMOUTH COL                            1994
 CORBIN BG             VISTAS ASTRON                 39       161      1995
 DAVIS M               ASTROPHYS J                  267       465      1983
 DEMLEITNER M          AM ASTRON SOC M              195      8209      1999
 DEUTSCH LP            1950 RFC INT ENG TAS                            1996
 EGRET D               SIMBAD ASTRONOMICAL                     79      1991
 EICHHORN G            AM ASTRON SOC M              191      3502      1997
 EICHHORN G            AM ASTRONOMICAL SOC          184      4104      1994
 EICHHORN G            ASTR SOC P                   101       569      1996
 EICHHORN G            ASTR SOC P                    77        28      1995
 EICHHORN G            ASTRON ASTROPHYS SUP         143        61      2000
 EICHHORN G            ASTROPHYS SPACE SCI          247       189      1997
 EICHHORN G            EXPT ASTRONOMY                 5       205      1994
 EICHHORN G            SKY TELESCOPE                 92        81      1996
 EICHHORN G            VISTAS ASTRON                 39       217      1995
 ELAD H                ASTROPHYS J 1                491       421      1997
 GARFIELD E            CITATION INDEXING IT                            1979
 GENOVA F              ASTR SOC P                   145       470      1998
 GRANT CS              AM ASTR SOC M                184      2802      1994
 GRANT CS              ASTRON ASTROPHYS SUP         143       111      2000
 HELOU G               ESO C P                       28       335      1988
 JUNG J                B INFO CTR DONNEES S           4        27      1973
 JUNG J                B INFO CTR DONNEES S           1         2      1971
 KRISTOL DM            2109 RFC                                        1999
 KURTZ MJ              ASTRON ASTROPHYS SUP         143        41      2000
 LOUKIDES M            PROGRAMMING GNU SOFT                            1996
 LYNCH CA              DLIB MAGAZINE                  3                1997
 MADORE BF             ASP C SER                     25        47      1992
 MARSDEN BG            CELESTIAL MECH                22        63      1980
 MURRAY SS             ASTRONOMY LARGE DATA           2       387      1992
 ROOD HJ               ANN REV ASTR AP               26       245      1988
 SALTON G              INTRO MODERN INFORMA                            1983
 SCHATZ BR             SCIENCE                      265       895      1994
 SCHMITZ M             NED SIMBAD CONV BIBL                   259      1995
 TRIDGELL A            THESIS AUSTR NATL U                             1999
 VAUDREUIL G           MIME MULTIMEDIA MULT                    36      1999
 WALL L                PROGRAMMING PERL                                1996
 YLONEN T              SSH PROTOCOL ARCHITE                            1999

When responding, please attach my original message
Eugene Garfield, PhD.  email: garfield at codex.cis.upenn.edu
home page: www.eugenegarfield.org
Tel: 215-243-2205 Fax 215-387-1266
President, The Scientist LLC. www.the-scientist.com
Chairman Emeritus, ISI www.isinet.com
Past President, American Society for Information Science and Technology
(ASIS&T)  www.asis.org

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