Montini T, Mangurian C, Bero LA "Assessing the evidence submitted in the development of a workplace smoking regulation: The case of Maryland" PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS 117 (3): 291-298 MAY-JUN 2002

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Tue Jan 7 14:13:52 EST 2003

Lisa Bero : bero at

This is an interesting use of journal impact factors.
"The journal articles the supporters submitted were more recently published
and were in publications with higher impact factors, suggesting that they
were of better "quality"."


Title    Assessing the evidence submitted in the development of a workplace
         smoking regulation: The case of Maryland
Author   Montini T, Mangurian C, Bero LA
Journal  PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS 117 (3): 291-298 MAY-JUN 2002

 Document type: Article      Language: English
  Cited References: 57       Times Cited: 0

Objective. This study compared the characteristics of the basic science,
biomedical, and socioeconomic literature submitted in 1993-1994 by
supporters and opponents of the proposed workplace regulation of tobacco
smoke developed by the Maryland Occupational Safety and Health (MOSH)
Advisory Board.

Methods. The authors retrospectively analyzed 544 written publications
submitted to the MOSH Advisory Board regarding the proposed workplace
regulation of tobacco smoke. Outcome measures included the type and year of
publication and, for journal articles, the journal's peer review policy and
impact factor.

Results. Supporters of regulation submitted fewer documents (n = 164) than
opponents (n = 380). Supporters of regulation submitted a lower proportion
of conference proceedings and a higher proportion of government reports. The
publications submitted to the regulators by the supporters of regulation
were more recently published than the materials submitted by opponents.
Journal articles represented more than half of the publications submitted;
most were peer-reviewed.

Supporters of regulation submitted articles from journals with higher impact
factors (median impact factor 2.78) than did opponents of regulation (median
1.66; p=0.0005), and articles that were published more recently (median year
of publication 1990) than those submitted by opponents (median 1989;

Conclusions. Public health advocates should highlight the scientific
evidence base that supports tobacco control regulations. Public health
advocates should encourage and support regulatory officials' use of the
criteria of peer review, impact factor, and date of publication to
prioritize their review of submitted documents in order to base policy on
the best available evidence.

KeyWords Plus:

Bero LA, Univ Calif San Francisco, Dept Clin Pharm, 3333 Calif St,Suite 420,
San Francisco, CA 94143 USA
Univ Calif San Francisco, Dept Clin Pharm, San Francisco, CA 94143 USA
Univ Calif San Francisco, Dept Social & Behav Sci, San Francisco, CA 94143
Univ Calif San Francisco, Inst Hlth Policy Studies, San Francisco, CA 94143
Univ Calif San Francisco, Sch Med, San Francisco, CA 94143 USA


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