9th ISSI conference

Ronald Rousseau ronald.rousseau at KH.KHBO.BE
Thu May 16 07:55:57 EDT 2002


Under the auspices of the ISSI (International Society for Scientometrics and
Informetrics) the Chinese Association for Science-of-Science and Science &
Technology Policy (CASTP) will organize the 9th International Conference on
Scientometrics & Informetrics. The event will take place in Beijing (P.R.
China) from 25 till 29 August 2003. More information and details about the
procedure for submission of abstracts, posters and articles can be found on
the conference web page: http://www.cscd.ac.cn/issi2003

The submission procedure can also be found on my personal webpage.

Ronald Rousseau

International program chair
KHBO - Industrial Sciences and Technology
Zeedijk 101    B-8400  Oostende   Belgium
E-mail: ronald.rousseau at kh.khbo.be
web page:  users.pandora.be/ronald.rousseau

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