ART: Widhalm, Evaluating patterns of co-operation

Gretchen Whitney gwhitney at UTK.EDU
Mon May 6 18:09:57 EDT 2002

Clemens Widhalm   : widhalm at

Clemens Widhalm
Technical University Vienna
Institute for Applied and Technical Physics
E1371 materiaLAB
Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10
A-1040 Vienna/Austria

This paper has very exciting looking collaboration maps showing links
between key research organizations in European Transport Research Programs

Title   Evaluating patterns of co-operation: application of a bibliometric

        visualisation tool to the Fourth Framework Programme and the

        Transport Research Programme
Author  Widhalm C, Topolnik M, Kopcsa A, Schiebel E, Weber M
Journal RESEARCH EVALUATION 10 (2): 129-140 AUG 2001

 Document type: Article    Language: English
 Cited References: 21      Times Cited: 0

Networks of collaboration have been set up within the European Union's
Fourth Framework Programme (FP4) by applying cooccurrence analysis and
visualisation in two-dimensional knowledge maps. The focus of the analysis
is on the patterns of co-operation and collaboration in research networks
within FP4, involving the industrial, research and education sectors of all
EU-Member States. The aggregate situation of FP4, and the Transport Research

Programme in particular, are examined to identify features within patterns
of co-operation of relevance to European research. The methodology is
summarised, and potential for future research evaluation
within the European Research Area is assessed.

Widhalm C, Austrian Res Ctr, Syst Res, Seibersdorf, Austria
Austrian Res Ctr, Syst Res, Seibersdorf, Austria


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(c) ISI, Reprinted with permission
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