Lipsitt DR "Consultation-liaison psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine: The company they keep" Psychosomatic Medicine 63(6):896-909, November-December 2001

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Mon May 6 14:48:56 EDT 2002

D.R. Lipsitt : don_lipsitt at

TITLE      Consultation-liaison psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine:
           The company they keep
AUTHOR     Lipsitt DR

 Document type: Review   Language: English
Cited References: 101    Times Cited: 1

Objective: The objectives of this review are 1) to briefly describe the
parallel historical developments of consultation-liaison (C-L) psychiatry;
2) to analyze the extent to which the literature of C-L psychiatry and
psychosomatic medicine relate to each other, given that both fields have
evolved simultaneously in the history of psychiatry; and 3) to propose
possible explanations for observed publication patterns in selected C-L
resources and the journal Psychosomatic Medicine.

The quasi-citation analysis includes two segments: 1) a review of selected
key C-L psychiatry references to determine the extent to which classic
articles from Psychosomatic Medicine are cited; and 2) an analysis of 60
years of Psychosomatic Medicine, sampling issues from the first 5 years of
each decade and all issues of the year 2000 for articles of potential
relevance to C-L psychiatry, References to Psychosomatic Medicine articles
in C-L resources are tallied as percentages of total references in each
source. Articles in Psychosomatic Medicine are assigned to one of three
categories (A, B, or Q according to their perceived relevance to C-L
psychiatry, from most (A) to least (C) relevant. Results: The review of C-L
sources ("basic" reading lists and reference lists of. seminal articles and
textbooks) revealed a wide range of Psychosomatic Medicine citations, from
0% to 27.4% (average, 7.5%). The survey of Psychosomatic Medicine sorted
1705 articles for their relevance to C-L psychiatry into category A
5-40.6%, average 21.3%), category B (70.4-86.3%, average 72.3%), and
category C (0.7-12.1%, average 6.4%) for each half-decade for the past 60
years. The lowest number of category A articles appeared in the years 1970
to 1975, and the highest number appeared in 1950 to 1955; reciprocal results
were found for category B articles. The lowest number of category C articles
appeared in 1980 to 1985, and the highest number appeared in 1940 to 1945.
For the six issues of 2000. The distributions of articles in categories A,
B, and C are similar, continuing an upward trend beginning in 1975 of core
(category A) articles. Explanations for publication patterns are
peculatively related to various factors. such as a paucity G-L research and
researchers, the broad definition of C-L psychiatry, editorial policies, and
the impact of World War II. Conclusions: Although C-L psychiatry and
psychosomatic medicine have common roots, the reliance of the C-L literature
on classic Psychosomatic Medicine articles has varied markedly, from
none to about one-quarter of its references. Nevertheless, Psychosomatic
Medicine has consistently published articles of theoretical and clinical
interest to C-L psychiatrists, with more than 90% Of published articles
considered to be of high or moderate relevance to C-L psychiatry. A far
higher percentage of articles in Psychosomatic Medicine would seem to be
relevant to the field of C-L psychiatry than are cited in significant C-L
literature. Psychosomatic Medicine's essential focus on empirical research
may dissuade the more clinically oriented C-L psychiatrists.

Author Keywords:
psychosomatic medicine, consultation-liaison psychiatry, citation analysis

Lipsitt DR, Mt Auburn Hosp, Clark 218,330 Mt Auburn St, Cambridge, MA 02238
Harvard Univ, Sch Med, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA


IDS Number:


Cited Author            Cited Work                Volume      Page      Year

                       CHANGE                        10        25      1978
 *AC PSYCH MED         APPL CERT ADD QUAL C                            1992
 ALEXANDER F           PSYCHOSOMATIC MED IT                            1950
 BALDRIDGE B           PSYCHOSOM MED                 27        19      1965
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 BARRETT AM            AM J PSYCHIAT                  2         1      1922
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 BILLINGS EG           AM J PSYCHIAT                122        28      1966
 BILLINGS EG           J ASSOC AM MED COLL           14       375      1939
 BILLINGS EG           JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC          107       635      1933
 BROWN F               PSYCHOSOM MED                 20       174      1958
 BYRNE DG              PSYCHOSOM MED                 42         1      1980
 CLEGHORN RA           PSYCHOSOM MED                 28       272      1966
 COHENCOLE SA          GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT              8       316      1986
 DEUTSCH F             INT Z F PSA                    8       290      1922
 DEUTSCH H             PSYCHOSOM MED                  4       105      1942
 DIMSDALE J            PSYCHIAT MED                   9       641      1991
 DIMSDALE JE           PSYCHOSOM MED                 56         1      1994
 DUNBAR HF             AM J PSYCHIAT                 91       541      1934
 ENELOW AJ             COMPREHENSIVE TXB PS                  1980      1980
 ENGEL BT              PSYCHOSOM MED                 48       466      1986
 ENGEL GL              PSYCHOSOM MED                 16       368      1954
 ENGEL GL              SCIENCE                      196       129      1977
 FERENCZI S            PSYCHOANALYSIS GEN P                            1991
 FOSTER FG             PSYCHOSOM MED                 35        64      1973
 FREEDMAN AM           COMPREHENSIVE TXB PS                            1980
 FREEDMAN AM           COMPREHENSIVE TXB PY                            1967
 FRIEDLANDER JH        PSYCHOSOM MED                 12        86      1950
 GRAHAM DT             PSYCHOSOM MED                 41       357      1979
 GRAHAM DT             PSYCHOSOM MED                 29        52      1967
 GREENHILL MH          AM HDB PSYCHIAT                7       672      1981
 GREENHILL MH          PSYCHOSOM MED                 12        38      1950
 GRODDECK G            BOOK IT 1923                                    1965
 HACKETT TP            MASSACHUSETTS GEN HO                     1      1979
 HACKETT TP            PSYCHOSOM MED                 22       356      1960
 HACKETT TTP           PSYCHOSOM MED                 22       267      1960
 HAY D                 PSYCHOSOM MED                 34       109      1972
 HEINROTH JC           LEHRBUCH STORUNGEN S                            1818
 HELDT TJ              AM J PSYCHIAT                 95       865      1939
 HENRY GW              AM J PSYCHIAT                 86       481      1929
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 KAHANA RJ             PSYCHIAT MED PRACTIC                   108      1964
 KEPECS JG             PSYCHOSOM MED                 15       425      1953
 KIMBALL CP            PSYCHOSOM MED                 35       176      1973
 KUBIE LS              PSYCHOSOM MED                  6       252      1944
 LARSON DB             HOSP COMMUNITY PSYCH          38      1106      1987
 LEVENSON D            MIND BODY MED HIST A                            1994
 LEVENSON JL           PSYCHOSOM MED                 59       563      1997
 LEVENSON JL           PSYCHOSOMATICS                35       492      1994
 LEVINE M              PSYCHOTHERAPY MED PR                            1943
 LIDZ T                PSYCHOSOM MED                 12       103      1950
 LIPOWSKI ZJ           GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT              8       305      1986
 LIPOWSKI ZJ           PSYCHOSOM MED                 30       395      1968
 LIPOWSKI ZJ           PSYCHOSOM MED                 29       153      1967
 LIPOWSKI ZJ           PSYCHOSOM MED                 29       201      1967
 LIPSITT DR            AM PSYCHIAT AFTER WO                   152      2000
 LIPSITT DR            PSYCHIAT MED PRACTIC                   599      1964
 MCKEGNEY FP           COMPREHENSIVE TXB PS                            1985
 MCKEGNEY FP           GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT              4       197      1982
 MENDELSON M           PSYCHOSOM MED                 23       115      1961
 MENDELSON M           PSYCHOSOM MED                 18       363      1956
 MIRSKY AI             PSYCHOSOM MED                 19       424      1957
 MITTELMAN B           PSYCHOSOM MED                  7       220      1945
 MOHL PC               PSYCHOSOMATICS                26       431      1985
 MORDKOFF AM           PSYCHOSOM MED                 29         1      1967
 MOSHER JM             AM J INSANITY                 67       499      1909
 MUTTER AZ             PSYCHOSOM MED                 28       333      1966
 NICHOLS DC            PSYCHOSOM MED                 29       103      1967
 NOYES R               PSYCHOSOMATICS                33       123      1992
 OCONNOR JF            PSYCHOSOM MED                 28       375      1966
 OKEN D                ADV PSYCHOSOM MED             11        23      1983
 OKEN D                PSYCHOSOM MED                 40       449      1978
 PARENS H              PSYCHOSOM MED                 28       162      1966
 PASNAU RO             HOSP COMMUNITY PSYCH          33       989      1982
 POPKIN MK             COMPREHENSIVE TXB PS                  1592      1995
 PRATT GK              AM J PSYCHIAT                 82       403      1926
 RANGELL L             PSYCHOSOM MED                 14        22      1953
 REICHARD JF           PSYCHIAT MED PRACTIC                   169      1964
 REICHSMAN F           PSYCHOSOM MED                 43       291      1981
 ROGERS MP             NEW HARVARD GUIDE PS                   387      1988
 ROMANO J              JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC          178      1147      1961
 ROSE RM               PSYCHOSOM MED                 45       379      1983
 SASLOW G              PSYCHOSOM MED                 10       167      1948
 SCHIAVI RC            PSYCHOSOM MED                 23       485      1961
 SCHMALE AH            PSYCHOSOM MED S               42        77      1980
 SCHWAB JJ             HDB CONSULTATION PSY                            1968
 SCHWAB JJ             PSYCHOSOM MED                 27       112      1965
 SCHWAB JJ             PSYCHOSOMATICS                30       245      1989
 SCHWAB JJ             PSYCHOSOMATICS                26        83      1985
 SEITZ PFD             PSYCHOSOM MED                 13       254      1951
 SILVERMAN AJ          PSYCHOSOM MED                 39       213      1977
 STAINBROOK E          PSYCHOSOM MED                 14       211      1977
 STARKMAN MN           PSYCHOSOM MED                 43         3      1981
 STRAIN JJ             GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT             21       438      1999
 STRAIN JJ             GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT             12         1      1990
 SUMMERGRAD P          GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT              9       439      1987
 VONBERTALANFFY L      PSYCOSOM MED                  26        29      1964
 WILLIAMS RL           PSYCHOSOM MED                 26       701      1964
 WITMER HL             TEACHING PSYCHOTHERA                            1947
 WITTKOWER ED          PSYCHOSOM MED                 28       722      1966
 ZILBOORG G            PSYCHOSOM MED                  6         3      1944

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