Tutosaus JD, Oller JD, Blazquez IG, Conde SM, Mendez SM "International scientific production in digestive laparoscopic surgery" REVISTA ESPANOLA DE ENFERMEDADES DIGESTIVAS 93 (7): 452-458 JUL 2001

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Tue Mar 26 15:32:45 EST 2002

J.D. Tutosaus : tutosaus at cica.es

TITLE International scientific production in digestive laparoscopic
AUTHOR Tutosaus JD, Oller JD, Blazquez IG, Conde SM, Mendez SM

Document type: Article
Language: English
Cited References: 28
Times Cited: 0

Objective: to obtain data on research in laparoscopic digestive surgery over
the period of 1991 to 1996.

Material and methods: we used Medline and the Science Citation Index to
obtain general data on production. For more specific data (contents, etc.)
we used random samples with a confidence level of 99%.

Results: there were 4825 publications on laparoscopic digestive surgery and
4.085 on other specialties: of these, articles represented 85% and
editorials and letters 15%. University hospitals published 40% of this
production. The producing Countries were USA (45%), France (8.2%), United
Kingdom (7.9%) and Germany (7.5%). The publishing countries were USA (41%),
Germany (15.3%), United Kingdom (9.7%) and France (6.7%). The publication
with the largest influence was the New England Journal of Medicine with a
total Impact Factor of 589; the British Journal of Surgery with a factor of
436, Archives of Surgery with 343, American Journal of Surgery with 336 and
Annals of Surgery with 302; the mean relative Impact Factor was 1.886.
Method was involved in 756 retrospective studies, 275 prospective studies
and 43 random clinical trials; the rest were not series. The majority of
contents are on techniques and instruments, indications and general
reflections. The most researched anatomical region was the gall bladder,
followed by the bile ducts and the colon. The differences had a "z" > 1.645,
that is to say, p < 0.05, and so considered statistically significant.

Conclusions: the largest production and publication takes place in the USA
and the journal with the greatest influence is the New England. Important
studies on method are extremely scarce, random clinical trials representing
only 1%.

Author Keywords:
research, publication, bibliometrics, laparoscopic surgery, video-surgery

KeyWords Plus:

Tutosaus JD, Hosp Univ Virgen del Rocio, Res Grp Andalusian Res Plan CTS
323, Avda Manuel Siurot S-N, Seville 41013, Spain
Hosp Univ Virgen del Rocio, Res Grp Andalusian Res Plan CTS 323, Seville
41013, Spain
Hosp Univ Virgen del Rocio, Res Grp CTS 348, Seville 41013, Spain


IDS Number:


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