Boldt J, Maleck W. "Composition of the editorial/advisory boards of major English-language anesthesia/critical care journals" ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA 44 (2): 175-179 FEB 2000

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Wed Mar 20 14:08:17 EST 2002

Joachim Boldt : E-mail : boldtj at

TITLE Composition of the editorial/advisory boards of major
        English-language anesthesia/critical care journals
AUTHOR Boldt J, Maleck W

Document type: Article
Language: English
Cited References: 17
Times Cited: 2

Background: Publications represent a central part of the research process.
An analysis of who is responsible for acceptance of publications in major
English-language anesthesia/critical care medicine journals was carried out.

Methods: All English-language journals listed in the SCI(R) Journal Citation
Reports 1997 under the subheadings Anesthesiology (n = 18) and Emergency
Medicine & Critical Care (n = 16) were analysed with regard to the
editorship and the membership of advisory boards listed in the 1998 issues
of the journals. The two groups were analysed separately with regard to
their country of origin.

Results: In the Anesthesiology section, 140 persons were listed as editors
and 423 persons were identified as members of the advisory boards. Editors
came from 14 different countries, with editors from the USA representing the
majority (n=83; 59% of all editors, followed by the UK; n=24; 15% of all
editors). Editors from other countries represent only a minority (n=33; 24%
of all editors). The advisory boards came from 30 countries and were also
dominated by the USA (n=220; 52% of all persons from the advisory boards).
in the Emergency Medicine & Critical Care section 159 persons were listed as
editors, of whom 119 originated from the USA (75% of all editors). Of the
835 persons listed in the advisory boards, 72% came from the USA, with 37
other countries sharing the remainder (second, UK: 8%; third, Canada: 2.5%).

Conclusion: Most editors/editorial board members of import ant
Anesthesiology, Emergency and Critical Care journals came from the USA.
Other countries play a significantly less influential role even in journals
which are characterised as 'International Journals'.

Author Keywords:
publications, Journal Citation Reports, anesthesia, critical care medicine,
emergency, medicine, editors, editorial board

KeyWords Plus:

Boldt J, Univ Mainz, Akad Lehrkrankenhaus, Klinikum Stadt Ludwigshafen, Dept
Anesthesiol & Intens Care Med, Bremserstr 79, D-67063 Ludwigshafen,
Univ Mainz, Akad Lehrkrankenhaus, Klinikum Stadt Ludwigshafen, Dept
Anesthesiol & Intens Care Med, D-67063 Ludwigshafen, Germany


IDS Number:


Cited Author            Cited Work                Volume      Page      Year

 *BOWK INT SER DAT     ULR INT PER DIR                                 1998
 *INT COMM MED J ED    JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC          277       927      1997
 *ISI                  SCI CIT IND J CIT RE                    74      1997
 BLUESTONE N           PHAROS           SUM                    14      1996
 DEJONG JW             EUR HEART J                   17        35      1996
 DRISCOLL P            J ACCID EMERG MED             14        65      1997
 ELSTER AD             AM J ROENTGENOL              162       519      1994
 GARROW J              JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC          280       286      1998
 KUMARARATNE M         JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC          277       957      1997
 LINK AM               JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC          280       246      1998
 OPTHOF T              CARDIOVASC RES                33         1      1997
 POMAROLI A            BRIT J ANAESTH                72       723      1994
 RENNIE D              JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC          278       579      1997
 SCHWINN DA            ANESTHESIOLOGY                88      1660      1998
 SHAHLA M              INTENS CARE MED               22      1258      1996
 SHAHLA M              INTENS CARE MED               21         7      1995
 SMITH G               BRIT J ANAESTH                76       753      1996

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