Rudy JT. Toward an assessment of 'Verbal Art as Performance, a Cross-Disciplinary Citation Study with Rhetorical Analysis'(Folklore studies)JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE 115 (455): 5-27 WIN 2002

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Wed Jul 31 11:10:20 EDT 2002

Jill Terry Rudy : e-mail: jill_rudy at

Full text available at : http:

Title   Toward an assessment of 'Verbal Art as Performance, a
        Cross-Disciplinary Citation Study with Rhetorical Analysis'
       (Folklore studies)
Author  Rudy JT
Journal JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE 115 (455): 5-27 WIN 2002

 Document type: Article   Language: English
 Cited References: 71    Times Cited: 0

At the 20th anniversary of its publication in book form, Verbal Art as
Performance merits reconsideration for its contribution to folklore studies
and other scholarly
fields. While many contemporary folklorists may clearly remember the
intellectual and social milieu surrounding the production and reception of
Verbal Art, the passage of time since then invites an examination of the
diffusion of the text across scholarly disciplines and allows for the book
to be assessed in terms of its impact on folklore studies. This article
includes a citation study of journal references to the text and a rhetorical
analysis of references in articles published by folklore journals. This
study indicates that Verbal Art has played a central role in  synthesizing
earlier research on performance-centered theories in folklore;
the book continues to disseminate these ideas to scholars in a variety of
academic fields. The aspects of Verbal Art that threaten to undermine its
connections with the field of folklore studies, including the widespread
interest in performance concepts and the intentional reach to an
nterdisciplinary audience, can also serve to invigorate the field and
promote its interests to a significant number of scholars in other

KeyWords Plus:

Rudy JT, Brigham Young Univ, Provo, UT 84602 USA
Brigham Young Univ, Provo, UT 84602 USA


IDS Number:

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