Martinsons MG, Everett JE, Chan K "Mapping the scholarly development of strategic management" JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE 27 (2): 101-110 2001

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Thu Jan 10 16:31:36 EST 2002

Dr. Maris G. Martinsons - E-mail: mgmaris at

TITLE    Mapping the scholarly development of strategic management
authors  Martinsons MG, Everett JE, Chan K
Journal  JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE   27 (2): 101-110 2001

 Document type: Article  Language: English   Cited References: 49
                                           Times Cited: 0

In an effort to move from speculative to scientific discourse, a key
meta-issue in strategic management is addressed by systematically tracing
the intellectual development of this sub-discipline. The flow of scholarly
knowledge is mapped over time by combining multivariate statistics and other
techniques. Observed citation frequencies are fitted to a chi-square model
of importance, receptivity and similarity, while cluster analysis is
employed to map changes in journal relationships over time. The results
contradict at least one widely espoused and previously uncontested
assertion, by revealing that the strategic management sub-discipline has
evolved from a receptor to a transmitter of interdisciplinary knowledge and
entered the mainstream of social science. The study demonstrates the
potential to shed objective light on the social construction of
knowledge and to address important issues in other scholarly disciplines.

KeyWords Plus:

Martinsons MG, City Univ Hong Kong, Dept Management, 83 Tat Chee Ave,
Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
City Univ Hong Kong, Dept Management, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
Univ Western Australia, Perth, WA 6009, Australia
Northwestern Univ, Evanston, IL USA


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