Noordenbos G. "Women in academies of sciences: from exclusion to exception. WOMENS STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM 25 (1): 127-137 JAN-FEB 2002

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Fri Aug 16 17:17:11 EDT 2002

Greta.noordenbos at

Title     Women in academies of sciences: From exclusion to exception
Author      Noordenbos G
Journal     WOMENS STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM  25 (1): 127-137 JAN-FEB 2002

Document type: Article
Language: English
Cited References: 29
Times Cited: 0

The development of women in academies of sciences can be historicized from
exclusion to exception. Most national academies elected their first female
members in the 20th century after the Second World War. Why were women
elected so late? The most important explanations for the long-lasting
exclusion of women discussed in this article are the professionalization and
institutionalization of science, the restriction of members, the exclusion
of women from universities, the diminishing power of the aristocracy, the
increasing divergence between the public and the private sphere, male
prejudice against women, fear of losing status, and social closure of male
networks. In order to gather information about the first women elected as
members, the number of female members elected since then, and the actual
percentage of female members, a questionnaire was distributed to all
European academies of sciences. Results from 47 academies and 431 female
members are presented. Although
there is a steady increase in the number of female members since 1970, the
proportion of women is still very low between 1% and 15%. The article
concludes with some suggestions for the improvement of the situation of
women in higher scientific positions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All
rights reserved.

Noordenbos G, Leiden Univ, Joke Smit Inst Womens Studies, Wassenaarseweg 52,
NL-2333 AK Leiden, Netherlands
Leiden Univ, Joke Smit Inst Womens Studies, NL-2333 AK Leiden, Netherlands


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