Rincon JMR, Romero IB, Rodero FG "The Spanish scientific production about human immunodeficiency virus infection/AIDS. A study through MedLine (1991-1999)" MEDICINA CLINICA 117 (17): 645-653 NOV 24 2001

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Mon Apr 22 16:03:50 EDT 2002

ISABEL BELINCHON ROMERO : jramos at seimc.org

TITLE The Spanish scientific production about human immunodeficiency virus
infection/AIDS. A study through MedLine (1991-1999)
AUTHOR Rincon JMR, Romero IB, Rodero FG
JOURNAL MEDICINA CLINICA 117 (17): 645-653 NOV 24 2001

 Document type: Article
 Language: Spanish
 Cited References: 36
 Times Cited: 0

BACKGROUND: To analyze the research output of Spanish authors on human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection/AIDS.

METHODS Papers published over 1991-1999 which were recorder in the MedLine
database (CD-ROM) were selected by using the key words much less than Spain
much greater than or much less than Espana much greater than in the address
of author field and much less than HIV much greater than, much less than
AIDS much greater than, much less than VIH much greater than or much less
than sida much greater than in any field. Papers were analyzed according to
publication journal specialty of authors, subjecte matter of the paper,
institution, center of origin and geographical distribution.

RESULTS: A total of 2,065 papers were studied. Their number doubled, from
148 in 1991 to 295 in 1999 (r = 0.917; p < 0.0001). The number of papers
published in foreign journals trebled, from 51 to 182 (r = 0.933; p <
0.001). The journal with the highest number of papers published was MEDICINA
CLINICA 241 (11.7%). Although the main topic was the clinical manifestations
of HIV infection (64.6%), the proportion of papers on this subject decreased
from 71.4% in 1991-93 to 58.3% in 1997-99 (p < 0.001). On the other hand,
the percentage of articles on antiretroviral therapy increased from 3.6% in
1991-93 to 12.4% in 1997-99 (p < 0.001). The greatest number of
contributions came from hospitals (79.8% of papers), followed by
universities (9.5%). Centers with the highest output were the Hospital
Clinic (Barcelona) (5.7%) and the Hospital Carlos III (Madrid) (5.5%). The
Autonomous Communities of Madrid (33.1%) and Catalonia (25.3%) concentrated
more than half of the total output, followed by Andalusia (11.5%) and the
Valencian Community (8.1%).

CONCLUSIONS: Spanish output on HIV infection/AIDS research grew during the
1991-1999 period. There was a remarkable increase in the papers published in
foreign journals. Moreover, topics changed according to the epidemiological
changes observed in HIV infection during the past decade.

Author Keywords:
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(AIDS), bibliometry, scientific information

KeyWords Plus:

Rincon JMR, Avda Ancha Castelar 79,6B, Alicante 03690, Spain
Hosp Gen Univ Elche, Serv Med Interna, Unidad Enfermedades Infecc, Alicante,
Univ Alicante, Gen Hosp, Dermatol Sect, Alicante, Spain


IDS Number:


Cited Author            Cited Work                Volume      Page      Year

 *FUND BBV             DISTR PROV RENT NAC                             2000
 *FUND BBV             DISTR PROV RENT NAC                             1993
 *I NAC EST            AN EL PAIS 2000 MADR                            2000
 *I SCI INF            J CIT REP                                       1998
 *SUBD GEN INF EST     CAT NAC HOSP                                    1997
 *US DEP HHS           LIST J IND IND MED 2                            2000
 ALEIXANDRE R          ENFERM INFECC MICROB          13       338      1995
 ALVAREZDARDET C       MED CLIN-BARCELONA            89       221      1987
 BARENYS M             MED CLIN-BARCELONA            99         9      1992
 BATLLEGUALDA E        REV CLIN ESP                 198       587      1998
 BORDONS M             MED CLIN-BARCELONA           106        51      1996
 BORDONS M             REV ESP CARDIOL               52       790      1999
 CAMI J                MED CLIN-BARCELONA           100       481      1997
 CAMI J                MED CLIN-BARCELONA           101       721      1993
 CASTILLA J            MED CLIN-BARCELONA           113       171      1999
 DEARANA JM            REV ESP CARDIOL               52       765      1999
 DEDIOS JG             AN ESP PEDIAT                 47       235      1997
 DELOSMONTEROS JE      MED CLIN-BARCELONA           112       182      1999
 FIGUEREDO E           REV ESP ANESTESIOL R          46       378      1999
 GARCIAIBANEZ T        GAC SANIT                     27       273      1991
 GUARDIOLA E           MED CLIN-BARCELONA           101       368      1992
 LOPEZMUNOZ F          REV NEUROL BARC               24       417      1996
 MANDEL GL             PRINCIPLES PRACTICE                             2000
 MARTIN M              REUNION COMPETITIVID                            1997
 MICROFT A             LANCET                       352      1725      1998
 MINANAN JS            ATEN PRIMARIA S1              23         5      1999
 MINANAN JS            ATEN PRIMARLA                 23        14      1999
 MOED HF               J AM SOC INFORM SCI           46       461      1995
 OSCA J                ENFERN INFECC MICROB          15       407      1997
 PESTANA A             MED CLIN-BARCELONA           109       509      1997
 PINERO JML            MED CLIN-BARCELONA            98        64      1992
 PINERO JML            MED CLIN-BARCELONA            98       142      1992
 RIO FG                MED CLIN-BARCELONA           115       287      2000
 SENGUPTA IN           SCIENTOMETRICS                20       297      1991
 SOLAR MA              MED CLIN-BARCELONA           111       529      1998
 ZULUETA MA            REV ESP CARDIOL               52       751      1999

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Eugene Garfield, PhD.  email: garfield at codex.cis.upenn.edu
home page: www.eugenegarfield.org
Tel: 215-243-2205 Fax 215-387-1266
President, The Scientist LLC. www.the-scientist.com
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