terrorist tragedies

kretschmer.h kretschmer.h at T-ONLINE.DE
Thu Sep 13 14:20:03 EDT 2001

Dear Gene,

I´m very sad. I cannot find any words!

With best wishes,

Garfield, Eugene schrieb:
> Dear Johannes: Thank you for your kind words. We area all okay but the sad
> news about colleagues in sister companies is just trickling in. One of the
> subsidiaries of Thomson, of which ISI is now a part, have probably lost 200
> souls who were working in the Trade Center.
> Thanks also to your University President.
> With best wishes. Eugene Garfield
> When responding, please attach my original message
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> Eugene Garfield, Ph.D.  E-mail: garfield at codex.cis.upenn.edu
>  Telephone:  (215)243-2205   Fax: (215)387-1266
>  Web site: www.eugenegarfield.org
> Past President, American Society for Information Science & Technology
> (ASIS&T) -    www.asis.org
> Chairman Emeritus,Institute for Scientific Information ( ISI),
>  3501 Market St , Philadelphia, PA 19104-3389,   www.isinet.com
> Pres.,Ed.-in-Chief,  The Scientist,
>  3535 Market St , Philadelphia, PA 19104-3385,    www.the-scientist.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johannes Stegmann [mailto:johannes.stegmann at MEDIZIN.FU-BERLIN.DE]
> Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 4:15 AM
> Subject: [SIGMETRICS] terrorist tragedies
> Dear Colleagues,
> the terroristic attacks against the United States of America certainly
> shocked all of us.
> I would like to express my deep sorrow at those horrible events. I am not
> able to find the right words; therefore, I print below the message of our
> university's president (URL: http://www.fu-berlin.de/en/aktuell/wtc.html).
> Johannes Stegmann
> -------------------------------------------------
> Message from the President of the FU Berlin about the terrorist attacks in
> New York and Washington on 11 September 2001
> Dear colleagues and friends,
> it is with deep horror that we have received the news of the atrocious
> attack on the World Trade Centre and other buildings in New York,
> Washington and elsewhere
> in your country. We are shocked to see that despite of all of your and our
> efforts to disseminate the idea of human values, there are people on this
> globe who oppose even the most fundamental principles of civilization. I
> speak for all students and staff members of the Free University Berlin in
> expressing our hope that those of you who live and work in or near the
> places hit so terribly have not been harmed directly. We feel that we
> should let you know of our sympathy and moral support in these difficult
> times - you may be sure that we are close to you and the many people in
> your country who are and will remain to be our very best friends. You may
> count on our support - should you need it, please call on us.
>                          With our condolences and greetings,
>                          Univ.-Prof. Dr. P.Gaehtgens
>                          President
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Johannes Stegmann                   Univ. Hospital Benjamin Franklin
> Free University Berlin                  Medical Library
> johannes.stegmann at medizin.fu-berlin.de  Hindenburgdamm 30
> Tel.: +49 30 8445 2035                  12203 Berlin
> Fax:  +49 30 8445 4454                  Germany
>   Homepage:  http://www.medizin.fu-berlin.de/medbib/home.html

Hildrun Kretschmer
Dr.sc.phil., Dr.oec
Honorary Professor Henan Normal University (Xinxiang, China)
E-mail: kretschmer.h at t-online.de
web page: www.collnet.de

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