Personal Citation Index

Michel J. Menou Michel.Menou at WANADOO.FR
Tue Nov 27 04:40:30 EST 2001

This is a very interesting idea.
Folks in the various ASIS&T SIGs may wish to embark in its implementation.
One requisite is perhaps that those citing notify the person cited. A request to
do in electronic and other publications might help.
Michel Menou

Tuesday, November 27, 2001, 10:08:21 AM, Ronald Rousseau wrote:

RR> Personal Citation Index

RR> Since 'always' I have been trying to collect citations to my works (just out of
RR> personal curiosity).

RR> If everyone did this and results were put together, this could give an idea
RR> about the real coverage of the Web of Science. My guess is that it is certainly
RR> less than 50% of all citations.

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