Sanz-Menendez L, Bordons M, Zulueta MA "Interdisciplinarity as a multidimensional concept: its measure in three different research areas" RESEARCH EVALUATION 10 (1): 47-58 APR 2001

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Fri Nov 9 16:28:09 EST 2001

Luis Sanz-Menendez : lsanz at

Maria Bordons : mbordons at

M.Angeles Zulueta : ma.zulueta at

Title  :   Interdisciplinarity as a multidimensional concept: its measure
in three different research areas
Author :   Sanz-Menendez L, Bordons M, Zulueta MA
Journal:   RESEARCH EVALUATION    10 (1): 47-58 APR 2001

 Document type: Article      Language: English    .Cited References: 35
Eugen  Times Cited: 0

Interdisciplinarity is analyzed in three different research areas:
pharmacology and pharmacy, cardiovascular system and
materials science, using data from a survey to Spanish scientists. The
study focuses on three complementary dimensions:
diversity in personal training and research specialization of scientists;
research practices and behavior of the groups; and the cognitive inputs and
outputs of the research activity. Interdisciplinarity emerges as a double-
edged process: of jumping into a new area with people of different
disciplines, in coherence with the traditional disciplinary research teams;
and of specialization in a field traditionally dominated by a single group
of disciplinary backgrounds, in which researchers from different areas join
the teams. Thus specialization fragmentation-hybridization all come

KeyWords Plus:

Sanz-Menendez L, CSIC, Unidad Polit Comparadas, SPRITTE, Alfonso XII 18, E-
28014 Madrid, Spain
CSIC, Unidad Polit Comparadas, SPRITTE, E-28014 Madrid, Spain
CSIC, Ctr Informac & Documentac Cient, CINDOC, E-28002 Madrid, Spain
Univ Alcala de Henares, Fac documentac, Alcala De Henares 28801, Spain


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