Herrero-Solana V, Moya-Anegon F "Bibliographic displays of web-based OPACs: Multivariate analysis applied to Latin-American catalogues" LIBRI 51 (2): 75-85 JUN 2001

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Thu Nov 8 09:49:45 EST 2001

Felix de Moya-Anegon : Felix de felix at ugr.es
Victor Herrero-Solana : victorhs at ugr.es

TITLE      Bibliographic displays of web-based OPACs: Multivariate analysis
           applied to Latin-American catalogues
AUTHOR     Herrero-Solana V, Moya-Anegon F
JOURNAL    LIBRI   51 (2): 75-85 JUN 2001

 Document type:Article* Language:English* Cited References:18*Times Cited: 0

Library online public access catalogues (OPACs) are automated information
retrieval systems that constitute the most readily available source of
information for non-professional users. Web-based OPACs represent a huge
step forward in the development of user interfaces for catalogues. The
present study evaluates Latin American OPACs against a checklist for full
bibliographic display in web-based OPACs, developed at the University of
Toronto. The checklist contains four sections that cover the most important
facets of the OPAC: 1) labels, 2) text, 3) instructional information, and 4)
page layout. Finally,multivariate analysis methods are applied to the
results. Such techniques include 1) cluster analysis, 2) principal
components analysis (PCA), and 3) multidimensional scaling (MDS).

KeyWords Plus:

Herrero-Solana V, Univ Granada, Fac Biblioteconom, Lib & Informat Sci Dept,
Granada, Spain
Univ Granada, Fac Biblioteconom, Lib & Informat Sci Dept, Granada, Spain


IDS Number:


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