ABS: Badenfuller, Making and measuring reputations - The research ranking of European business schools
Gretchen Whitney
gwhitney at UTK.EDU
Wed May 16 18:29:35 EDT 2001
Excerpts from the article follow the abstract.
E-mail Address : Charles Baden-Fuller : c.baden-fuller at city.ac.uk
TITLE Making and measuring reputations - The research ranking of
European business schools
AUTHORS Badenfuller C, Ravazzolo F, Schweizer T.
JOURNAL Long Range Planning 33(5): 621-650, October 2000
ABSTRACT Rankings of organizations mirror and create reputations.
This article is about reputations and their exploitation, in the context of
business school rankings. We set out to spotlight the European scene and
present an exclusive ranking of the research activities of all business
schools in Europe. Our ranking is based on work published in top quality
international journals. The mission of business schools is not only to
train amangers and educate students, but it is also to develop the ideas,
theories and evidence that will reshape management practice in the future.
Europe needs strong business schools as one part of its overall strategy.
Our top research schools are : London Business School, INSEAD, Tel Aviv,
Warwick, Manchester, Cambridge, Erasmus University (NL), City (UK),
Cranfield, the London School of Economics, and the Stockholm School of
Economics. We compare our rankings with those of other reputation makers,
such as The Financial Times and national ranking schemes, and we find that
our list is more robust and comprehensive. (2000 Elsevier School Science
Ltd. All rights reserved)
This article provides extensive listings from the SSCI.
Some excerpts from the article:
"Our measure of research rankings is based not on surveys, but on what has
been achieved by publications in top journals. This is a form of output,
but not one wholly in the hands of the business schools because a critical
audience is involved. Our measure is similar in concept to that used in
ranking finance houses and merchant banks by the number of deals."
"Our measure is similar in concept to that used in ranking finance houses
and merchant banks"
"The reputation for research can be measured in a similar manner, not by
what the academic writer thinks about his or her research, but by how the
user community (academics elsewhere) rank and value the outputs."
Table 4. Our Journal Selection1
Journal Impact
10 Management Journals:
Academy of Management Journal 2.45
Academy of Management Review 3.73
Administrative Science Quarterly 3.54
Journal of Intl Business Studies 1.10
Journal of Management 1.03
Journal of Management Studies 0.73
Management Science 1.06
Organization Studies 1.12
Organization Science 1.04
Strategic Management Journal 1.53
4 General Management-Practitioner Journals:
California Management Review 1.58
Harvard Business Review 2.46*
Long Range Planning 0.27
Sloan Management Review 1.64
11 Financial Journals:
Financial Management 0.88
Journal of Business 1.18
Journal of Banking and Finance 0.50
Journal of Finance 2.14
Journal of Financial Economics 2.50*
Journal of Futures Markets 0.38
Journal of Fin & Quant Analysis 0.73
Journal of Intl. Money & Finance 0.83
Journal of Money, Credit & Banking 1.12
Journal of Portfolio Management 0.30*
Review of Financial Studies 1.01
2 Human Resource Journals:
Human Relations 0.83
Human Resource Management 1.70*
5 Marketing Journals:
Journal of Consumer Research 1.38*
Journal of Marketing 2.93
Journal of Marketing Research 1.60
Journal of Product Innovation Mgmt. 1.04*
Marketing Science 1.56
1. Journal Impact Scores for SSCI Journal Citation Reports
1998, except those marked * where the data are from 1997.
Table 5 provides the ranking of schools in the U.K., France, Israel, Sweden,
Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Ireland
(c) ISI, REprinted with permission
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