ABS: Koehler: A Profile in Statistics of Journal Articles: Fifty Years of American Documentation and the JASIS
Isidro F. Aguillo
isidro at CINDOC.CSIC.ES
Fri Jan 26 07:36:14 EST 2001
New article published in Cybermetrics ejournal:
Wallace Koehler et al. (wkoehler at ou.edu)
A Profile in Statistics of Journal Articles: Fifty Years of American
Documentation and the Journal of the American Society for Information
Cybermetrics, Vol. 4 (2000). Issue 1. Paper 3
JASIS has consistently been identified as one the major information
science and library journals both in the United States as well as for
the rest of the world (Kohl & Davis, 1985; Rice 990; Siddiqui, 1997;
Wormell, 1998; Nisonger, 1999). The Journal has also long been regarded
as one of the discipline's chief archival documents. And archival
documents retain their influence over their disciplines far longer than
do other quality publications (Griffith et al, 1979). Based on our
analysis of articles published in AD and JASIS from 1950 to 1999, we
find that there has been a slow but perhaps inevitable shift based first
on the single non-funded researcher and author to a much wider research
and publishing participation among authors, regions, corporate authors,
and countries. This suggests not only cross-fertilization of ideas, but
also more complex research questions. A small trend toward greater
external funding further reinforces this finding. We also chose to close
our data collection with the last number of volume 50. This is less by
design than by serendipity, since the data collection and initial
analyses were conceived as a class project for the Elements of Research
course of the School of Library and Information Studies at the
University of Oklahoma for fall semester 1999.
Keywords: Scientometrics journal characteristics; authors; gender;
transnationalism; statistical profile
Isidro F. AGUILLO isidro at cindoc.csic.es
CINDOC-CSIC Tel: +34-91-563.54.82
Joaquin Costa, 22 Móvil: +34-630.858997
28002 Madrid. ESPAÑA/SPAIN Fax: +34-91-564.26.44
Cybermetrics, e-Journal (http://www.cindoc.csic.es/cybermetrics)
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