ABS: Rousseau, LOTKA: A program to fit a power law distribution to observed frequency data

Isidro F. Aguillo isidro at CINDOC.CSIC.ES
Tue Jan 23 14:33:17 EST 2001

Dear all:

We recently published new papers in the ejournal Cybermetrics, including
a innovative one that includes a software program. It is not usual in
paper format but it is an important added value of electronic sources.
We will very happy to publish similar contributions.

Brendan Rousseau and Ronald Rousseau (oak at pandora.be)

LOTKA: A program to fit a power law distribution to observed frequency

Cybermetrics, Vol. 4 (2000). Issue 1. Paper 4


LOTKA, a computer program for fitting a power law distribution such as
Lotka’s is presented. It basically follows Nicholl’s methodology : using
a maximum likelihood approach to estimate parameters, and a
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for goodness-of-fit. When input data are
converted (from rank-frequency to size-frequency) this program can also
be used to test Zipf’s law.

   Isidro F. AGUILLO                      isidro at cindoc.csic.es
 CINDOC-CSIC                              Tel: +34-91-563.54.82
 Joaquin Costa, 22                        Móvil: +34-630.858997
 28002 Madrid. ESPAÑA/SPAIN               Fax: +34-91-564.26.44
 Cybermetrics, e-Journal (http://www.cindoc.csic.es/cybermetrics)

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