Great job opportunity in Amsterdam

Paul Wouters paul.wouters at NIWI.KNAW.NL
Wed Jan 10 09:42:52 EST 2001



Internet and ICT are radically changing the way in which academic
research is carried out. This is having far-reaching consequences on
information and communication processes in the sciences and
humanities. The Netherlands Institute of Scientific Information
Services (NIWI), located in Amsterdam, has recently begun a programme
of research to chart these changes. To take on the challenge of this
groundbreaking interdisciplinary exploration into changes in academic
research, NIWI is seeking

2 research associates (M/F)

Vacancy number PZ 161 (40 hours full-time  *1)

to fulfil senior positions in our research group.

NIWI is an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and
Sciences. NIWI aims at providing scientific information in the fields
of biomedicine, the social sciences, history and Dutch language and
literature. In addition, NIWI provides information on research and
researchers throughout the Netherlands. NIWI's main office is situated
in Amsterdam.

Recently, NIWI has formed a new research department to respond to the
transformation of scientific publishing, communication and
information. The successful applicants will be part of a team that
will ultimately consist of ten people. NIWI's research goals are laid
down in our research programme

Our hypothesis is that the sciences, social sciences and humanities
are in the midst of an informational turn. This has important, yet
largely uncharted implications for the researcher. Studying these
implications is the main objective of our research programme. For this
reason, we wish to characterise the informational turn, study its
properties, in particular its implications for the use and creation of
scientific information by the individual research group and
scholar. Although this means that many aspects of the development and
of the social impact of information and communication technologies
will be involved in our research, our programme differs from existing
research efforts, in that it puts the researcher in central
place. Many research projects in information and library science are
related to the development of specific technologies or information
sources. There has been far less research on how the development of
ICT affects the conduct of scientific research. Yet, it is the
combination of technological and social developments at research group
or individual scholar level, which is largely responsible for shaping
the future of scientific information and communication patterns and
needs. We have therefore chosen to concentrate our research on the
changing role and needs of the researcher in scientific information
and communication. As well as research aimed at creating new knowledge
about the interaction between the researcher and ICT, we are also
developing applied research. This is aimed at providing solutions to
problems emerging from the practice of library and information

Applicants should hold a PhD and be available to start work in the
short term. They should moreover have acquired research experience in
a relevant field. They will be working towards answering one of the
following questions:

1. How can we understand the differences between academic disciplines
and research domains with respect to the use of ICT in information and
communication?  2. What influence are the new virtual research
institutes and networks of research institutes - which rely heavily on
communication through the Internet - having on the production of

Job responsibilities

The research associates will be responsible for their own research
project (one of the two mentioned above). They will be responsible for
the acquisition of funding for additional research projects and submit
grant applications. In collaboration with university researchers, some
supervision of PhD students may be required. The members of NIWI
Research act in an advisory capacity with respect to applied research
projects within the institute. The main output of NIWI Research
consists of journal publications, books, lectures and conference
presentations. NIWI Research will also organise workshops and
conferences on a regular basis.  Research associates will be expected
to share in these activities.

Education and experience

1. Demonstrable relevant research experience, attested by a PhD degree
and a list of publications in peer reviewed journals.  2. An excellent
knowledge of the English language, both oral and written.
3. Experience in either qualitative or quantitative methods of
research, preferably both.  4. Candidates should have a particular
interest in transformations of academic research and be able to work
independently and in a project-orientated manner 5. Candidates with
creativity and who are inclined towards/ interested in groundbreaking
work are encouraged to apply.

Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands Salary: Remuneration will be
based on a full-time gross salary of 7924 Dutch guilders per month in
accordance with salary scale 11 in the academic sector Starting date:
With immediate effect

For further information please contact:
Dr. Paul Wouters
e-mail: paul.wouters at
Or Drs. Repke de Vries
e-mail: at

Please send applications accompanied by a C.V. and marked with vacancy
number to:

Personnel Department
PO Box 95110
1090 HC Amsterdam
email: henry.duindam at

*1:    The reduction in working hours ruling applies here

NIWI is an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and

Paul Wouters
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
PO Box 95110
1090 HC Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T 3120 4628654
F 3120 6658013

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