Call for Papers: JASIST on Visualization of Scientific Paradigms

Chaomei Chen Chaomei.Chen at BRUNEL.AC.UK
Mon Jan 8 07:00:31 EST 2001

The following call for papers is also available at:

Best wishes,
Chaomei Chen
Brunel University


                                             CALL FOR PAPERS
        Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology

                                                  Special Topic Issue on

                                  Visualization of Scientific Paradigms

                                                         Guest Editor

                                                        Chaomei Chen
                                                        Brunel University

The  next special topics issue of the Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology (JASIST),  to be scheduled for 2003,
will be on the topic of Visualization of Scientific Paradigms. The guest
editor  for this issue will be Dr. Chaomei Chen of Brunel University.


Thomas  Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolution has generated profound
and far-reaching impact over nearly four decades since early 1960s in a
wide range of disciplines such as philosophy, history, social sciences, and
physical sciences. Today, the advances of several key technologies in text
processing, information visualization, and domain analysis provide
potentially powerful means to detect and track the telltale signatures of
the very existence of paradigms and paradigm shifts.

This  special  topic issue will provide an interdisciplinary forum for
researchers and practitioners to present the  latest  development  of
enabling techniques, methodologies, and case studies towards the
realization of the ultimate goal of
identifying  and  predicting  the  dynamics  of a scientific paradigm and
the structure of a scientific community.

Topical Theme

Authors are invited to submit  original  papers  in  related
areas  for  the special topic issue. Example topics include, but are not
limited to, the following:

           Characteristics of a paradigm
           Measurement and visualization of a paradigm
           Citation analysis
           Author co-citation analysis
           Domain analysis
           Visualization of social networks in scientific communities
           Visualization of knowledge structures
           Visualization of changing vocabularies of a subject domain
           Visualization of classic and landmark works
           Case studies of competing paradigms
           Case studies of a paradigm shift
           Research agenda
           Practical implications to information science as well as to
scientific activities

Inquiries and Submissions

Inquiries should be made to the guest editor via email, fax, or
telephone.  Authors should inform guest editor of intent to submit before
submitting a a manuscript.
Electronic submissions  of  manuscripts  in  PDF or Word (97 or later) are
recommended  via  email to chaomei.chen at If manuscripts are
submitted in printed form, please send four copies of full articles to the
guest editor at:

      Dr Chaomei Chen
      The VIVID Research Centre
      Department of Information Systems and Computing
      Brunel University
      Uxbridge UB8 3PH
      Tel: (+44) 1895 20 30 80
      Fax: (+44) 1895 251-686
      Email: chaomei.chen at

Important Dates

              July 31, 2001
                                          Notification of intent to submit
a manuscript
              January 31, 2002
                                          Deadline for manuscript submission
              April 30, 2002
                                          Notification of
acceptance/rejection of manuscripts
              November 30, 2002
                                          Final versions of manuscripts due
              Early 2003

All manuscripts will be reviewed by a panel of referees. Original  artwork
and a signed copy of the copyright release form will be required for all
accepted papers. A copy of the call for papers will be available on the
World Wide Web, as is further information about JASIST, at

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