Methodology/project assistance

Gretchen Whitney gwhitney at UTK.EDU
Tue Jan 2 13:29:32 EST 2001

Greetings and Happy New Year to everyone!

Ambar Anugrah from Indonesia has requested assistance, particularly in
methology, in conducting bibliometric/scientometric assistance in
assessing Indonesian scientific and technological activity. The projects
are described below.

If you have specific comments for the researcher, please forward them

We may, however, use this as an opportunity to have a generic discussion
of the "best" ways to assess national S&T activities with an eye towards
national policy development.

Gretchen Whitney, PhD                                     tel 423.974.7919
School of Information Sciences                            fax 423.974.4967
University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996 USA           gwhitney at

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 04:06:43 +0000
From: ambar anugrah <ambar_anugrah at>


1. Introduction
Bibliometrics is one of ways to assess the research performance of a
country. I try to assess the science and technology performance in Indonesia
with bibliometric approach. I hope result of this project can be become the
guideline of Indonesian policy in science and technology.
Indonesia conducted several main scientific conferences every year, mostly
aiming to select prominent researches and funding the researches. Three main
scientific activities include Science and Technology Research Grant (Toray),
Integrated Prominent Research (RUT) and Partnership in Prominent Research
(RUK) can become an indicator in assessing the performance of science and
technology in Indonesia. The three grants is conducted to coordinate and
give support to prominent researches that are suitable with industry need.
The assessment of the three grants is based on the urgency and the
usefulness of the research to solve priority problems in some fields in
Indonesia, the originality and the accuracy.

1.1. Integrated Prominent Research (RUT)
        RUT has been conducted since 1992. The research proposals that success as a
winner will be funded for 2-3 years. The activities of winning researches
will be evaluated and valued in detail each year. The research that be no
suitable on feasibility and RUT commitment nor has other problem to be
continued, can be considered to terminate the fund. The winning research
divided become 3 groups of research, comprise Technology, Applied Science
and Basic Science. Each group comprises several fields. Every year decided
the different or still the same priority fields, depend on the policy of the
development ways in Indonesia.

1.2. Science and Technology Grant (Toray)
        Toray is collaboration between Japanese and Indonesian government, has
conducted since 1993. Toray has the same rule with RUT.

1.3. Partnership on Prominent Research (RUK)
        RUK has conducted since 1995. So has the same rule with RUT and Toray.

2. Methodology
2.1. Collect of Data
        Data is collected since the beginning of each grant until year 2000. The
number of papers and the range of year as follow:

        a. Toray            1993-2000             approximately 100  papers
        b. RUT              1992-2000             approximately 427 papers
        c. RUK              1995-2000             approximately 50   papers
            Amount of papers                       approximately 577  papers

2.2. Analysis
        I need bibliometric methodology to assess all of papers of the grants.

3. Length of Study
        The study is planned for 4 months. Starting on December 2000 until
March 2001.

All the best,


Ambar Yoganingrum
Centre for documentation and information
Indonesian Institute of Sciences
Jakarta 12190
Phone: 62-21-5733465
Fax: 62-21-5733467
Email: ambar_anugrah at

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