ChaoMei Chen and RJ Paul article in March 2001 Computer magazine

Garfield, Eugene Garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Thu Dec 6 22:00:46 EST 2001

The first author has recently emigrated from the UK at Brunel University to
the USA at Drexel University. He has provided full documentation and full
text of this interesting article on visualization of intellectual
structures. He can be reached at:
Chaomei.Chen at

Eugene Garfield, PhD.

-----Original Message-----
 Chaomei Chen and Ray J. Paul (MAR 2001) Visualizing a knowledge domain's
intellectual structure. COMPUTER, 34 (3): 65-71.

To make knowledge visualizations clear and easy to interpret, we have
developed a method that extends and transforms traditional author co
citation analysis by extracting structural patterns from the scientific
literature and representing them in a 3D knowledge landscape.

(See attached file: ieeecomputer2001.pdf)

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