ISSI-2001 - Visa/MatserCard payment now available

Mari Davis issi2001 at UNSW.EDU.AU
Sat Apr 7 23:15:59 EDT 2001

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
     The Australian Organising Committee has negotiated payment for the
Registration fee by Visa or MasterCard via the online Registration (now up on
the ISSI-2001 Web Site).  Card payment will be accepted for registrations on the
appropriate form with the name of the cardholder, number of card, expiry date of
card and cardholder
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's signature. We will acknowledge receipt of payments once
the cheque, money order or card verification process is complete.
     Because of the delay in getting the card payment approved, we have extended
the early payment discount up to the end of May 31st. The higher (late payment)
rate will now apply to those who pay on or after June 1st.
     Registrations are now being received. We do urge all who intend to
participate in the Conference to register with us so that we have some idea of
the numbers of people we must cater for. We are hoping for a good attendance of
people including interested participants as well as those whose papers and
posters are to be presented.
     The Australian Organising Committee has planned concurrent sessions for
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, and two special plenary sessions on Tuesday
(journal impact measures and use) and Friday (cybermetrics/webometrics and
methodology). There will also be a chance to get to know each other better, to
network and to form plans for future collaborations at the various social events
- for example, on Sunday during the Registration period at an Aboriginal Smoking
Ceremony to welcome Conference Delegates to the UNSW campus, on Monday evening
at the Derek de Solla Price Award ceremony (the Scientometric Laureates), at the
formal Conference Gala Dinner (Tuesday evening), and during a twilight tour of
Sydney Harbour by ferry on Wednesday.
     We look forward to your registrations and to meeting you all here in Sydney
in July.

Dr Mari Davis
Chair, Australian Organising Committee
8th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics
School of Information Systems, Technology and Management
The University of New South Wales
Sydney Australia 2052

Tel: +61 2 9385 7127
Fax: +61 2 9662 4061
Email: issi2001 at

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