Time dependent theory of citation

David Watkins David.Watkins at SOLENT.AC.UK
Sat Aug 26 10:40:04 EDT 2000

One of the several interesting points made by Quentin Burrell in his
posting of 10th August concerned the temporaral element in citation
analysis, or the general lack thereof. An exception to this which may
interest list members is a recent book by Patrick Thomas which used a
variety of techniques, including logistic curves, to look at long-term
trends in the influence of key authors (as measured by citation impact) in
a sub-field of social science. The reference is:

     "Thomas, P. (1999). Fashions in Management Research: an Empirical
Analysis. Aldershot, UK / Brookfield,         Vermont, Ashgate." ISBN

Being a UK-based study, although using mainly US data, and being published
in monograph form this may have escaped some of the attention it deserves.

David Watkins

Professor David Watkins
Business Development Research Centre
Southampton Business School
East Park Terrace
Southampton SO14 0YN

Telephone number from overseas: +44 2380 319610
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David.Watkins at Solent.ac.uk

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