ABS: Leutner, Diagnostica as a journal for measurement and assessment questions in all fields of psychology?

Gretchen Whitney gwhitney at UTKUX.UTCC.UTK.EDU
Wed Apr 5 18:04:28 EDT 2000

Leutner D
Diagnostica as a journal for measurement and assessment questions
in all fields of psychology?
DIAGNOSTICA 46: (1) 1-6 2000
Document type: Article
Language: German
Cited References: 56

Times Cited: 0

An analysis of all papers, published in the 1998 and 1999 volumes of this
journal, reveals that Diagnostics fulfills the expectation of being a
journal for measurement and assessment questions in all fields of
psychology. The papers cover a broad range of thematic issues and the
authors refer to a broad range of internationally leading psychology
journals, both across and within specific disciplines of scientific
psychology. All in all, 252 different journals have been referred to in
the references sections of the 49 papers published in the two volumes.
With a rejection rate of 69 % and an impact factor of 1.56, the Journal is
well equipped on its way into the new millenium.

Author Keywords:
editorial, Diagnostica, broadness of thematic issues, citation analysis,
journal impact factor

(c) ISI, reprinted with permission
Please visit their website at www.isinet.com

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