ABS&Comment: Engwall, "Research note: Asterisk in Disneyland. Management scoholars from France on the World Stage"

Gretchen Whitney gwhitney at UTKUX.UTCC.UTK.EDU
Thu Sep 2 20:33:19 EDT 1999

The author, Lars Engwall, uses data from the Social Sciences Citation Index
on CD-ROM to provide a very interesting analysis of French authors in the
field of management.  He uses co-citation analysis to identify journals
closely related to the original core group he chose, producing a list of 15
key titles in the area of business administration.

email: Lars.Engwall at fek.uu.se

TITLE:          Research note: Asterix in Disneyland. Management scholars
from France on the world stage
AUTHOR:         Engwall L
                                       19: (5) 863-881 1998

 Document type: Article    Language: English  Cited References: 50    Times
Cited: 0

In the light of the growing expansion in international scientific
publication, three of questions are posed here. First, to what extent do
French-based authors contribute to international management journals?
Second, what are the geographical home bases of French authorships? Third,
what is the orientation of French authorships? These questions are analyzed
with the help of data from fifteen top journals in the management area
during the period 1981-1992. This analysis reveals that authors based in
France, like their colleagues in other non-US countries, account for a
rather limited proportion of the articles in the top journals, namely less
than 1 percent. It also appears that about 50 percent of the French-based
authors are on the faculty of INSEAD, and that most of them have Ph.D.'s
from prestigious U.S. universities and are not French nationals. Of the
'genuine' French, most come from the Paris area, or Grenoble or Lyon.
Finally, the orientation of French-based authors tends particularly towards
strategic management and operations research. Publications in accounting, on
the other hand, are rare. Most references are to North American works.

Author Keywords:
Americanization, management research, France, citations, publications

Engwall L, Uppsala Univ, Dept Business Studies, Uppsala, Sweden.
Uppsala Univ, Dept Business Studies, Uppsala, Sweden.


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