ABS&Comment: Budd, Citations and knowledge claim s

Patricia Martin pattimar at MICROSOFT.COM
Thu Oct 21 12:32:07 EDT 1999

please take me off this mailing list....
pattimar at microsoft.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Gretchen Whitney [mailto:gwhitney at UTKUX.UTCC.UTK.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 5:16 PM
To: SIGMETRICS at listserv.utk.edu
Subject: [SIGMETRICS] ABS&Comment: Budd, Citations and knowledge claims

J.M. Budd  e-mail : libsjmb at showme.missouri.edu

TITLE   :       Citations and knowledge claims: sociology of knowledge as a
case in point
JOURNAL:         JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE 25: (4) 265-274 1999

 Document type: Article    Language: English    Cited References: 42
Times Cited: 0

Citation analysis is frequently used as a means of examining the formal
communication practices in a number of disciplines. The present study
employs citation analysis to investigate knowledge claims in the literature
on the sociology of knowledge. The purpose of this project is to determine
if there are epistemic foundations for authors' citation of previous work. A
total of 70 journal articles are examined and the citations in those
articles are classified according to the epistemic uses of the
cited work. The approach used here is inherently individualistic, with the
aim of investigating the relationship between citing and cited works in the
sense of contextual, knowledge-based justification for an author's arguments
or propositions.

KeyWords Plus:

Budd JM, Univ Missouri, Sch Informat Sci & Learning Technol, Coll Educ, 20
Rothwell Gym, Columbia, MO 65211 USA.
Univ Missouri, Sch Informat Sci & Learning Technol, Coll Educ, Columbia, MO
65211 USA.


IDS Number:

Copyright © 1999 Institute for Scientific Information

John M  Budd has published an extremely interesting study containing 42
references.  The abstract fails to note some of the interesting by-products
of this study.  These include tables of most frequently cited authors and
titles in the research area called "sociology of knowledge".

The 14 authors include Woolgar, Latour, Collins, Bloor, Barnes, Mulkay,
Durkheim, Kuhn, Knorr-Cetina, Lynch, Bunge, Merton, Landau, and Shapin.
This is a well thought out contribution to a theory of citation which has
recently been the subject of a special issue of Scientometrics.

I was impressed by his reference to my 1965 paper in the monograph cited by
M. E. Stevens in the NBS Bulletin #269 -- "Can Citation Indexing be
automated," reprinted in Current Contents and available on the web at

It is unfortunate that the references for the 14 cited books were not
included as I'm sure many readers of those works would want to be alerted to
this paper.

Eugene Garfield, Ph.D.
Chairman Emeritus, ISI, 3501 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Publisher, THE SCIENTIST, 3600 Market St,
Philadelphia, PA 19104 (www.the-scientist.com)
Tel: 215-243-2205 // Fax: 215-387-1266
email:  garfield at codex.cis.upenn.edu
The Scientist: http://www.the-scientist.com
Home Page: http://garfield.library.upenn.edu


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