ABS: Walcott, Mapping the literature of diagnostic medical sonography

Gretchen Whitney gwhitney at UTKUX.UTCC.UTK.EDU
Tue Nov 30 18:46:24 EST 1999

Record 4 of 49 in MEDLINE (R) 1999/11-1999/12

TI:  Mapping the literature of diagnostic medical sonography.
AU:  Walcott-BM
AD:  Sidney Silverman Library, Bergen Community College, Paramus, New Jersey
  07652, USA.
SO:  Bull-Med-Libr-Assoc. 1999 Jul; 87(3): 287-91
ISSN:  0025-7338
PY:  1999
AB:  Diagnostic medical sonography has been evolving as a recognized allied
  health occupation since the early 1970s, but no bibliometric studies of
  the literature of the field have been published. This study, part of the
  Medical Library Association Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section's
  Project for Mapping the Literature of Allied Health, attempted to identify
  the core journals in diagnostic medical sonography and determine how well
  these journals are indexed by MEDLINE, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, and the
  Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL).
  Citation analysis was done using the three journals listed for the field
  by the Brandon/Hill list. Characteristics of two of these three journals
  affected the results to the extent that more data should be gathered to
  reach conclusions about the literature of diagnostic medical sonography as
  a whole. Results of the analysis do suggest that the literature of
  echocardiography, which is a special area of diagnostic medical
  sonography, is indexed much more completely by MEDLINE and EMBASE/Excerpta
  Medica than by CINAHL. Suggestions are made for librarians making
  collection development decisions in this area of allied health.
MIME:  Bibliometrics-; Databases,-Bibliographic; Libraries,-Medical; Library
  -Associations; MEDLINE-; Time-Factors
MJME:  *Abstracting-and-Indexing; *Bibliography-; *Periodicals-; *Ultrasonography-
TG:  Comparative-Study; Human
AN:  1999356436
UD:  199911

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