[Sigmet-officers] Annual Meeting Workshop/Tutorial Submission

Smalheiser, Neil R neils at uic.edu
Tue May 8 13:12:15 EDT 2018

Below is our notification that the workshop was accepted at the annual conference. I think this is the 8th year in a row?
Note that we have the first day of the conference, all day, Nov 10.
Note that lunch will be served (as well as continental breakfast and afternoon snack). This does not come out of the SIG budget.
Note, also, that nonmember speakers can have their registration paid for from SIG funds, if they were not planning to attend the conference anyway.
Note that we need to tell ASIST before May 14 how we plan to handle discounts for students (members and nonmembers could be handled differently). Let's discuss.
Also, I never got much feedback about inviting keynote speakers. Now that there is an exact date we should make invitations for one or two speakers.

Congratulations. I'm pleased to let you know that your Annual Meeting Workshop/Tutorial Proposal entitled Metrics 2018: Workshop on Informetric and Scientometric Research has been accepted for presentation at the 2018 ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Congratulations!
Your workshop/tutorial will take place as follows:
Saturday, November 10, 2018 from 9 am- 5 pm
Every effort has been made to accommodate scheduling requests and to maximize the use of our available rooms. If you are aware of any conflict or the timing of your session makes it impossible for one of your presenters to attend, please let us know right away. We cannot make any amendments to the schedule after May 14.
This year we are enacting a new process for pricing and profit sharing with SIGs that host workshops and tutorials. Rather than asking SIGs to keep track of the revenue and expenses from their sessions, ASIS&T will handle all of the logistics and finances for the workshops and simply rebate to the host SIG a per-capita credit for each attendee at their session. SIGs hosting full-day sessions will receive a credit of $40 back per person and SIGs hosting a half-day session will receive a credit of $30 back per person. These amounts are based on the per-person cost to host a workshop which are considerably higher for full-day sessions given the need to provide lunch. Due to the logistical challenges of controlling who does and does not participate in lunch during the meeting, we are unable to allow SIGs to opt out of giving lunch to their attendees. Based on last-year's workshop accounting, this system will allow SIGs to make roughly the same amount of profit on their session as they did last year with considerably less confusion and more predictability. And best of all, you're guaranteed not to lose money on a session which has happened in the past. If more than one SIG is co-hosting the session, the rebate will be split evenly among the SIGs unless otherwise requested prior to the meeting.
Your attendees will receive the following as part of their registration:
Half-Day Morning Workshops: Continental Breakfast & Mid-Morning Refreshment Break
Half-Day Afternoon Workshops: Afternoon Break with Snack
Full-Day Workshop: Continental Breakfast, Mid-Morning Refreshment Break, Box Lunch, Afternoon Break with Snack
If you wish to provide anything additional to your attendees, please let us know as soon as possible and not later than the end of August. The expense for that would be charged directly to the SIG at cost.
SIG workshops will be priced as follows:
SIG Half-Day

Early Bird




$      130.00

 $      155.00

 $        180.00


$      160.00

 $      185.00

 $        210.00

SIG Full-Day


$      230.00

 $      255.00

 $        280.00


$      260.00

 $      285.00

 $        310.00

This pricing represents a $30 discount off of the non-SIG workshop pricing. Rather than offering a discount to SIG members, we are assuming that all ASIS&T members could be SIG members and they receive an additional $30 discount as a member.
Should your SIG wish to offer an additional discount to students, you may do that in one of two ways. You may choose to waive your rebate for students, thus giving them the additional $30-40 discount. Alternatively, you may fund those discounts from existing SIG funds or through an external sponsorship. Please let us know that you wish to do that not later than May 14 so that the discount can be reflected in the registration system. We cannot process requests for discounts once registration has opened.
DeVonne Parks, Director of Meetings & Events, will be in touch soon requesting additional information about your session. Please remember that all presenters must be registered for the session. You may use SIG funds to register non-member presenters who would not otherwise be attending the meeting.
Please let me or DeVonne know if you have any questions about your session.
Warm regards,

Lydia S. Middleton, MBA, CAE
Executive Director
Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T)
8555 16th Street, Suite 850 | Silver Spring, MD 20910
+1 301.495.0900 x1100

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