[Sigmet-officers] two questions

Smalheiser, Neil R neils at uic.edu
Wed Jan 10 12:25:10 EST 2018

I am beginning to prepare a proposal for SIGMET. As mentioned earlier, I hope to add a session on metrics for article intrinsic attributes including reproducibility. In addition, I think we have money in the budget to support inviting some big-name keynote speaker [support = paying their registration to the workshop at least, plus travel expenses; probably not an honorarium unless they are a REALLY big name]. I welcome suggestions for people to invite as keynote speakers - either big names, with support, as well as names of people who live near Vancouver and/or are likely to attend ASIST anyway and so don't need support. These people should be in the general area of metrics but this can be very broadly defined - they could be involved in technological forecasting, private foundations who do policy and funding of science, or people from nearby industry such as Microsoft or Amazon. We should lock-in these invitations early since big names have tight schedules.

Second question, I have not heard much activity in SIGMET lately. What other activities should we be doing? Are there any activities that you-all are doing as part of your academic work, that could benefit from input or collaboration with SIGMET? I don't want to create busy-work but I also don't want to miss opportunities for SIGMET to do more than host the workshop. Please advise.....

Note that I am sending this to SIGMET officers only, first. And then, after I hear from you, will send to the membership.

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