From neils at Wed Jan 10 12:25:10 2018 From: neils at (Smalheiser, Neil R) Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2018 17:25:10 +0000 Subject: [Sigmet-officers] two questions Message-ID: I am beginning to prepare a proposal for SIGMET. As mentioned earlier, I hope to add a session on metrics for article intrinsic attributes including reproducibility. In addition, I think we have money in the budget to support inviting some big-name keynote speaker [support = paying their registration to the workshop at least, plus travel expenses; probably not an honorarium unless they are a REALLY big name]. I welcome suggestions for people to invite as keynote speakers - either big names, with support, as well as names of people who live near Vancouver and/or are likely to attend ASIST anyway and so don't need support. These people should be in the general area of metrics but this can be very broadly defined - they could be involved in technological forecasting, private foundations who do policy and funding of science, or people from nearby industry such as Microsoft or Amazon. We should lock-in these invitations early since big names have tight schedules. Second question, I have not heard much activity in SIGMET lately. What other activities should we be doing? Are there any activities that you-all are doing as part of your academic work, that could benefit from input or collaboration with SIGMET? I don't want to create busy-work but I also don't want to miss opportunities for SIGMET to do more than host the workshop. Please advise..... Note that I am sending this to SIGMET officers only, first. And then, after I hear from you, will send to the membership. Neil -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Isabelle.Dorsch at Fri Jan 12 09:42:57 2018 From: Isabelle.Dorsch at (Isabelle Dorsch) Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 15:42:57 +0100 Subject: [Sigmet-officers] two questions In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Dear Neil, if we have the budget a keynote speaker would be an interesting idea (in my opinion). Are there any people you have personally in mind? At the moment I have no suggestions, but I will keep my eyes open. Regarding other activities: During the SIG MET meeting at the annual meeting 2017 one suggested the idea for a webinar about "Career/job options in the field of Informetrics". I think such a webinar would be really interesting. Maybe this goes also in line with some actual or previous projects of someone, so that one can report about their own career in the field? Best wishes and a good start into the new year to everyone, Isabelle Am 2018-01-10 18:25, schrieb Smalheiser, Neil R: > I am beginning to prepare a proposal for SIGMET. As mentioned earlier, > I hope to add a session on metrics for article intrinsic attributes > including reproducibility. In addition, I think we have money in the > budget to support inviting some big-name keynote speaker [support = > paying their registration to the workshop at least, plus travel > expenses; probably not an honorarium unless they are a REALLY big > name]. I welcome suggestions for people to invite as keynote speakers > - either big names, with support, as well as names of people who live > near Vancouver and/or are likely to attend ASIST anyway and so don't > need support. These people should be in the general area of metrics > but this can be very broadly defined - they could be involved in > technological forecasting, private foundations who do policy and > funding of science, or people from nearby industry such as Microsoft > or Amazon. We should lock-in these invitations early since big names > have tight schedules. > > Second question, I have not heard much activity in SIGMET lately. What > other activities should we be doing? Are there any activities that > you-all are doing as part of your academic work, that could benefit > from input or collaboration with SIGMET? I don't want to create > busy-work but I also don't want to miss opportunities for SIGMET to do > more than host the workshop. Please advise..... > > Note that I am sending this to SIGMET officers only, first. And then, > after I hear from you, will send to the membership. > > Neil > > _______________________________________________ > Sigmet-officers mailing list > Sigmet-officers at > -- Isabelle Dorsch, B.A., M.A. Dept. of Information Science Heinrich Heine University D?sseldorf Bldg 24.53, Level 01, Room 87 Universit?tsstra?e 1 D-40225 D?sseldorf, Germany Tel. +49 211 81-10803 Website: From neils at Tue Jan 16 13:36:17 2018 From: neils at (Smalheiser, Neil R) Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2018 18:36:17 +0000 Subject: [Sigmet-officers] FW: SIG MET Activity Report 2017 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Attached is the SIG MET 2017 activity report submitted last year. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Print Preview _ SIG Activity Report _ Bulk Print.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 83516 bytes Desc: Print Preview _ SIG Activity Report _ Bulk Print.pdf URL: From neils at Fri Jan 26 16:57:39 2018 From: neils at (Smalheiser, Neil R) Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 21:57:39 +0000 Subject: [Sigmet-officers] draft of SIGMET workshop proposal, for comments and information Message-ID: Here is a first draft of the proposal (see attached). I have highlighted in yellow three things that need special consideration and group decision-making: 1. Should we hold the workshop on Nov.12 or Nov. 15, ie. The first or last day of the conference? I said Nov 12, what does everyone think? 2. I put the registration fees at the same level as 2017. How do we decide what the right fee should be? 3. Please check the proposed deadline dates. Do they look ok or should we move one or more of them up or down? And finally, please let me know that you have received this and can view the attachment. I have been spending out a lot of emails that get no replies at all, makes me wonder if they are living only in cyberspace. Neil -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: SIGMET-2018 proposal.docx Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Size: 24984 bytes Desc: SIGMET-2018 proposal.docx URL: From neils at Fri Jan 26 16:57:39 2018 From: neils at (Smalheiser, Neil R) Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 21:57:39 +0000 Subject: [Sigmet-officers] draft of SIGMET workshop proposal, for comments and information Message-ID: Here is a first draft of the proposal (see attached). I have highlighted in yellow three things that need special consideration and group decision-making: 1. Should we hold the workshop on Nov.12 or Nov. 15, ie. The first or last day of the conference? I said Nov 12, what does everyone think? 2. I put the registration fees at the same level as 2017. How do we decide what the right fee should be? 3. Please check the proposed deadline dates. Do they look ok or should we move one or more of them up or down? And finally, please let me know that you have received this and can view the attachment. I have been spending out a lot of emails that get no replies at all, makes me wonder if they are living only in cyberspace. Neil -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: SIGMET-2018 proposal.docx Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Size: 24984 bytes Desc: SIGMET-2018 proposal.docx URL: From christine.meschede at Sun Jan 28 05:36:17 2018 From: christine.meschede at (Christine Meschede) Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2018 11:36:17 +0100 Subject: [Sigmet-officers] draft of SIGMET workshop proposal, for comments and information In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi all, here are my thougths on the workshop proposal: 1. I agree to hold the workhop on Nov 12 as there might be more participants on the first day of the conference. 2. I have no experience with the fees, but it seems reasonable to me. Maybe we could reduce the student fee even more. I remember discussing something in this regard at the meeting in Washington? And we should also promote the student discount properly on our website (as for 2017, I cannot remember that there was a discount announced). 3. Deadline dates are reasoable to me as well. Another thing I noted: On the first page, right column, the text needs to be updated, as it reports on the 2016 workshop and the plans for the 2017 workshop. Best, Christine Am 26.01.2018 um 22:57 schrieb Smalheiser, Neil R: > > Here is a first draft of the proposal (see attached). I have > highlighted in yellow three things that need special consideration and > group decision-making: > > 1.Should we hold the workshop on Nov.12 or Nov. 15, ie. The first or > last day of the conference? I said Nov 12, what does everyone think? > > 2.I put the registration fees at the same level as 2017. How do we > decide what the right fee should be? > > 3.Please check the proposed deadline dates. Do they look ok or should > we move one or more of them up or down? > > And finally, please let me know that you have received this and can > view the attachment. I have been spending out a lot of emails that get > no replies at all, makes me wonder if they are living only in cyberspace. > > Neil > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigmet-officers mailing list > Sigmet-officers at > -- Christine Meschede, B.Sc., B.A., M.A. Heinrich Heine University D?sseldorf Dept. of Information Science Building 24.53, Room 01.85 Universit?tsstr. 1 40225 D?sseldorf Germany -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shenmeng at Sun Jan 28 23:08:22 2018 From: shenmeng at (Xu, Shenmeng) Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2018 04:08:22 +0000 Subject: [Sigmet-officers] draft of SIGMET workshop proposal, for comments and information In-Reply-To: References: , Message-ID: Hi Neil, Thank you for your email. Here are my thoughts: 1. I agree that Nov 12 is a better choice since there might be more participants. 2. The fees seem to be much lower compared to the past few years. Here are the fees for SIG/MET workshop that I was able to find online: 2015: $285 (SIG members) / $295 (non-members) 2016: $170 (SIG members) / $190 (non-members) 2017: $230 (SIG members) / $260 (non-members) I see in the budget report of last year that with an estimation of 30 participants, the income of the workshop is $7950 and the expenses of it is $5700 . I don't see the details, however. Since I also have no experience with the fees, I am not sure if the proposed $140/$100/$60 can cover our expenses for the workshop? Any input would be very much appreciated. 3. The deadline dates seem to be a bit earlier than those of the past years if I remembered correctly, but I think it is good to plan them early. Best, Shenmeng ________________________________ From: Sigmet-officers on behalf of Christine Meschede Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 5:36:17 AM To: sigmet-officers at Subject: Re: [Sigmet-officers] draft of SIGMET workshop proposal, for comments and information Hi all, here are my thougths on the workshop proposal: 1. I agree to hold the workhop on Nov 12 as there might be more participants on the first day of the conference. 2. I have no experience with the fees, but it seems reasonable to me. Maybe we could reduce the student fee even more. I remember discussing something in this regard at the meeting in Washington? And we should also promote the student discount properly on our website (as for 2017, I cannot remember that there was a discount announced). 3. Deadline dates are reasoable to me as well. Another thing I noted: On the first page, right column, the text needs to be updated, as it reports on the 2016 workshop and the plans for the 2017 workshop. Best, Christine Am 26.01.2018 um 22:57 schrieb Smalheiser, Neil R: Here is a first draft of the proposal (see attached). I have highlighted in yellow three things that need special consideration and group decision-making: 1. Should we hold the workshop on Nov.12 or Nov. 15, ie. The first or last day of the conference? I said Nov 12, what does everyone think? 2. I put the registration fees at the same level as 2017. How do we decide what the right fee should be? 3. Please check the proposed deadline dates. Do they look ok or should we move one or more of them up or down? And finally, please let me know that you have received this and can view the attachment. I have been spending out a lot of emails that get no replies at all, makes me wonder if they are living only in cyberspace. Neil _______________________________________________ Sigmet-officers mailing list Sigmet-officers at -- Christine Meschede, B.Sc., B.A., M.A. Heinrich Heine University D?sseldorf Dept. of Information Science Building 24.53, Room 01.85 Universit?tsstr. 1 40225 D?sseldorf Germany -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From timothy.d.bowman at Mon Jan 29 11:20:08 2018 From: timothy.d.bowman at (Timothy Bowman) Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2018 16:20:08 +0000 Subject: [Sigmet-officers] draft of SIGMET workshop proposal, for comments and information In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Dear all, It looks good! Thanks, Neil. Last year I tried to get our workshop moved to Saturday, but the ASIST organizing committee stated that we are a small workshop and that the bigger ones would get the Saturday. Just an FYI. We had the biggest workshop on Friday by far this past year, so hopefully that will be in our favor. You've lowered the fees and I think this is a good move. We have a surplus of money, so I don't think covering the costs completely with registration fees is necessary. In addition, if Clarivate ends up sponsoring a lunch, the fees will be greatly reduced (as they charge a ridiculous amount for lunches at these ASIST conferences). I like these deadlines; we can always extend it based on submissions if necessary given it is earlier than in the past. BTW: Philippe Mongeon recently defended his dissertation successfully? everyone send him a big CONGRATS! Best, Tim From: Sigmet-officers on behalf of "Smalheiser, Neil R" Date: Friday, January 26, 2018 at 4:58 PM To: "sigmet-officers at" , Sigmet-officers Subject: [Sigmet-officers] draft of SIGMET workshop proposal, for comments and information Here is a first draft of the proposal (see attached). I have highlighted in yellow three things that need special consideration and group decision-making: 1. Should we hold the workshop on Nov.12 or Nov. 15, ie. The first or last day of the conference? I said Nov 12, what does everyone think? 2. I put the registration fees at the same level as 2017. How do we decide what the right fee should be? 3. Please check the proposed deadline dates. Do they look ok or should we move one or more of them up or down? And finally, please let me know that you have received this and can view the attachment. I have been spending out a lot of emails that get no replies at all, makes me wonder if they are living only in cyberspace. Neil -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From philippe.mongeon at Mon Jan 29 12:20:16 2018 From: philippe.mongeon at (Philippe Mongeon) Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2018 12:20:16 -0500 Subject: [Sigmet-officers] draft of SIGMET workshop proposal, for comments and information In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Hey guys (and thanks Tim), Thank you Neil for putting the proposal together, looks pretty good. *Date* I was looking at this and I wonder if the 12th is actually an option? As Tim says, Friday and Saturday (the 9th and 10th) are usually the workshop days. In any case, I also think that before the conference is better than after. *Fees* I think fees were generally too high in the past, so I think the fees proposed by Neil sound good. I see that in the proposal, lunch is not included. This is a good idea since, as Tim said, included lunches are super expensive. Question: it's been decided that we'll have the Workshop at the conference hotel? or that has not been decided yet? Also, if I remember correctly, we had fully reimbursed the workshop fees to students in 2015 and 2016. That was complicated, so if we want to go in that direction, we could simply make it free for students(?). *Deadlines* Those seem fine! Cheers, Philippe 2018-01-29 11:20 GMT-05:00 Timothy Bowman : > Dear all, > > > > It looks good! Thanks, Neil. > > > > Last year I tried to get our workshop moved to Saturday, but the ASIST > organizing committee stated that we are a small workshop and that the > bigger ones would get the Saturday. Just an FYI. We had the biggest > workshop on Friday by far this past year, so hopefully that will be in our > favor. You've lowered the fees and I think this is a good move. We have a > surplus of money, so I don't think covering the costs completely with > registration fees is necessary. In addition, if Clarivate ends up > sponsoring a lunch, the fees will be greatly reduced (as they charge a > ridiculous amount for lunches at these ASIST conferences). I like these > deadlines; we can always extend it based on submissions if necessary given > it is earlier than in the past. > > > > BTW: Philippe Mongeon recently defended his dissertation successfully? > everyone send him a big CONGRATS! > > > Best, > > Tim > > > > > > *From: *Sigmet-officers on behalf of > "Smalheiser, Neil R" > *Date: *Friday, January 26, 2018 at 4:58 PM > *To: *"sigmet-officers at" , > Sigmet-officers > *Subject: *[Sigmet-officers] draft of SIGMET workshop proposal, for > comments and information > > > > Here is a first draft of the proposal (see attached). I have highlighted > in yellow three things that need special consideration and group > decision-making: > > 1. Should we hold the workshop on Nov.12 or Nov. 15, ie. The first or > last day of the conference? I said Nov 12, what does everyone think? > 2. I put the registration fees at the same level as 2017. How do we > decide what the right fee should be? > 3. Please check the proposed deadline dates. Do they look ok or should > we move one or more of them up or down? > > > > And finally, please let me know that you have received this and can view > the attachment. I have been spending out a lot of emails that get no > replies at all, makes me wonder if they are living only in cyberspace. > > > > Neil > > _______________________________________________ > Sigmet-officers mailing list > Sigmet-officers at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From neils at Mon Jan 29 12:25:34 2018 From: neils at (Smalheiser, Neil R) Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2018 17:25:34 +0000 Subject: [Sigmet-officers] second draft of workshop proposal Message-ID: Thanks for the detailed comments from all of you. I have corrected the description of 2017's workshop, and corrected the proposed date to Nov. 10 (first day of the conference). I took out entirely the proposed fees. They were in last year's proposal, but since we don't set the fees, I did not put in any numbers at all. Also, the registration fees differ depending on whether one attends the entire conference or just the workshop, and when you register (early bird or later), so it did not make sense to put in numbers. Instead, I said that sig members and students would get discounts (of unspecified size). Finally, I left the proposed deadlines unchanged. I suspect that we have enough details (and a long enough track record) that this will allow the conference to accept our workshop. I am sure that we will adjust the final announcement of the workshop depending on later happenings - e.g. the final workshop date, the fees that they set, keynote speakers who agree to speak, sponsorships that pour in, etc. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: SIGMET-2018 proposal.docx Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Size: 25416 bytes Desc: SIGMET-2018 proposal.docx URL: