[Sigmet-officers] SIG/MET panel

Andrea Scharnhorst andrea.scharnhorst at dans.knaw.nl
Mon Mar 6 15:24:43 EST 2017

What the sigmetrics group could also add to whatever planned centrally is how Eugene’s ideas live in todays sigmetrics communities, in the PhD’s/thesis; the new professional skills requires (outreach to Datascience, librarians)
Could we ask people to write a testimony about the role of Gene in their education?
How much are your students still reading the Essays’s – if at all?
Loose thoughts coming to my mind …

From: Sigmet-officers on behalf of Dietmar Wolfram
Date: Monday 6 March 2017 at 21:16
To: Stefanie Haustein, Timothy Bowman, Timothy D Bowman, Isabella Peters, Judit Bar-Ilan
Cc: "sigmet-officers at mail.asis.org<mailto:sigmet-officers at mail.asis.org>"
Subject: Re: [Sigmet-officers] SIG/MET panel

One thing to check with the ASIST Board and conference organizers is if there is anything official being planned for Dr. Garfield, either for the conference or for other ASIST venues. We wouldn't want one event to upstage another. If there aren't any other efforts underway, this could be an opportunity for SIG/MET to take the lead.


From: Sigmet-officers <sigmet-officers-bounces at asis.org<mailto:sigmet-officers-bounces at asis.org>> on behalf of Stefanie Haustein <haustein.stefanie at gmail.com<mailto:haustein.stefanie at gmail.com>>
Sent: Monday, March 6, 2017 1:48 PM
To: Timothy Bowman; Timothy D Bowman; Isabella Peters; Judit Bar-Ilan
Cc: sigmet-officers at mail.asis.org<mailto:sigmet-officers at mail.asis.org>
Subject: Re: [Sigmet-officers] SIG/MET panel

That might even be a better idea! Both might also work ;)
Do you want to contact Irene about submission deadlines, length etc?

Timothy Bowman <timothy.d.bowman at wayne.edu<mailto:timothy.d.bowman at wayne.edu>> schrieb am Mo., 6. März 2017 um 14:47 Uhr:

Hi everyone,

Thank you Stefi, I think this is a very good idea. I was also thinking we could publish a special section dedicated to Eugene Garfield in the ASIST Bulletin as per Irene’s recommendation in an email recently sent (see below).

What does everyone prefer?




Hi all,

Sharing this with you all from Irene Travis, editor of the Bulletin.

Dear SIG Chairs:

Want to win the ASIS&T Best SIG Publication Award? Try publishing a special section in the ASIST Bulletin. We have had numerous winners over the years including 2016 winner, SIG STI. Guest Editors Moriana Garcia and Tod Colegrove did a great job presenting 3D Printing and Digital Fabrication Technologies in Libraries and Museums. <https://www.asist.org/files/bulletin/oct-15/Intro_Garcia_Colegrove.pdf>

You can be next.

SIGs are the driving force in fostering and disseminating innovation inside ASIS&T. No one is so well equipped as you to identify new areas of practice or new research results of interest to everyone. And if you present them through the Bulletin you have the advantage of a great editorial staff to help you with all aspects of the publication to produce a professional product you can be proud of.

If you have ideas, please let me know at <itravis at austin.rr.com><mailto:itravis at austin.rr.com> or contact ASIS&T Communications Officer, Yolande Nanayakkara at <yolande at asis.org><mailto:yolande at asis.org>.

Best regards,


Irene L. Travis, Ph.D.
Editor, ASIST Bulletin
itravis at austin.rr.com<mailto:itravis at austin.rr.com>


From: Sigmet-officers <sigmet-officers-bounces at asis.org<mailto:sigmet-officers-bounces at asis.org>> on behalf of Stefanie Haustein <haustein.stefanie at gmail.com<mailto:haustein.stefanie at gmail.com>>
Date: Monday, March 6, 2017 at 1:45 PM
To: Timothy D Bowman <tim.bowman at gmail.com<mailto:tim.bowman at gmail.com>>, Isabella Peters <ipe at informatik.uni-kiel.de<mailto:ipe at informatik.uni-kiel.de>>, Judit Bar-Ilan <juditb at gmail.com<mailto:juditb at gmail.com>>
Cc: "sigmet-officers at mail.asis.org<mailto:sigmet-officers at mail.asis.org>" <sigmet-officers at mail.asis.org<mailto:sigmet-officers at mail.asis.org>>
Subject: [Sigmet-officers] SIG/MET panel

Hi all,

we discussed with Judit in Sofia to do a panel on open science etc. at the AM but since Eugene Garfield's passing I was wondering if we should do one in his honor?

This could be in lieu or in addition to the other panel of course.

What do you think?



Stefanie Haustein

Postdoctoral Researcher
Canada Research Chair on the Transformations of Scholarly Communication
École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l’information (EBSI)
Université de Montréal

e-mail: haustein.stefanie at gmail.com<mailto:haustein.stefanie at gmail.com> | stefanie.haustein at umontreal.ca<mailto:stefanie.haustein at umontreal.ca>

web:  stefaniehaustein.com<http://stefaniehaustein.com> | crc.ebsi.umontreal.ca<http://crc.ebsi.umontreal.ca>

Twitter: @stefhaustein

Stefanie Haustein

Postdoctoral Researcher
Canada Research Chair on the Transformations of Scholarly Communication
École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l’information (EBSI)
Université de Montréal

e-mail: haustein.stefanie at gmail.com<mailto:haustein.stefanie at gmail.com> | stefanie.haustein at umontreal.ca<mailto:stefanie.haustein at umontreal.ca>
web:  stefaniehaustein.com<http://stefaniehaustein.com> | crc.ebsi.umontreal.ca<http://crc.ebsi.umontreal.ca>
Twitter: @stefhaustein
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