[Sigmet-officers] meeting at ISSI

Andrea Scharnhorst andrea.scharnhorst at dans.knaw.nl
Sat Jul 13 05:30:31 EDT 2013

I'm there and I would be delighted to meet, but I'm also with my daughter ;-) We stay at Hotel Regina, and I'm best to be reached via my mobile.
I'm involved in two workshops on Monday – with Philipp Mayr on IR and with Katy on Standards, maybe I see some of you there. Judit and Dietmar I know I will meet!

Mobile: 0031 6 236 332 93

From: Cassidy Sugimoto <cassidysugimoto at GMAIL.COM<mailto:cassidysugimoto at GMAIL.COM>>
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 14:57:00 +0200
To: SIG MET <sigmet-officers at asis.org<mailto:sigmet-officers at asis.org>>
Subject: [Sigmet-officers] meeting at ISSI

Dear SIG/MET officers:

Would those of you who will be at ISSI like to meet up for a short SIG meeting? Possibly a breakfast on Tuesday or Thursday?

Cassidy R. Sugimoto, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Informatics and Computing
Indiana University Bloomington
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