[Sigmet-officers] Paper contest: JL feedback on the latest Google doc

Jonathan Levitt jonathan at levitt.net
Fri Jan 28 09:50:43 EST 2011

Dear all,
Here is my feedback on the latest draft of the Google doc:
(1)   Initial paragraph: We have omitted to describe anything about ourselves or refer the reader to our Web-site; conferences often do one or both of these.
(2)   Selection -> There will be up to 3 winners: I responded to this in my feedback on point (1), posted to this list earlier today.
(3)   Selection -> These experts will place emphasis on originality of presented concept(s), place emphasis on originality of presented concept(s), applicability to the qualification criteria set forth, practical applications of the concept, and suitability for presentation at the ASIS&T Meeting: Whilst it may be useful to specify the selection criteria I think that any the selection criteria should be fully debated in this list.  As a full discussion will add to the number of ongoing issues and could delay the announcement of this contest, I suggest that we omit this sentence from the initial call, but add a section on this to subsequent calls once we have reached a consensus.  
(4)   Prizes-> each winner: If we adopt the approach in my feedback on point (1), posted to this list earlier today, we would need to change our reference to ‘each winner’.  
(5)   Prizes -> first paragraph: As I see it we are unlikely to get more from ASIS&T than the amount we asked for, so it is important that the total cost does not exceed the amount for which Cassidy applied.
(6)   Prizes -> The selected winner will be notified via e-mail and will be expected to present their paper at the SIGMET Workshop at the 2011 ASIS&T annual conference, where a formal recognition of the winner and presentation of the award will be made.  Award winners will be required to sign a presenter agreement. The SIG/MET reserves the right, at its discretion, to not to present an award: I am not happy about this requirement for two reasons: (a) we are not offering to fund the attendance of the workshop, so how can we penalize a strong candidate for not having the funds to attend and (b) it is not certain that we will be holding a workshop, as this we have not received approval (to quote Dietmar “we won't know before late June if it's accepted”). 
(7)   Format: We have not stipulated the expected length of the submissions; typically conference submissions do so
(8)   Submission and Deadline -> The research should be original works and has not been submitted to or published by other conferences (but not ASIS&T) or journals by the time it is submitted: I responded to this in my feedback on point (2), posted to this list earlier today.
(9)   Submission and Deadline -> April 30, 2011: I responded to this in my feedback on point (4), posted to this list earlier today.
(10) Submission and Deadline: We have omitted to describe the procedure for submitting (it would be very helpful if ASIS&T could set up a site for receiving our submissions – does anyone know if this is possible?); typically conferences provide this.
Best regards,
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