From info at Sat Jun 3 07:51:32 2017 From: info at (Aida Slavic (UDC editor)) Date: Sat, 3 Jun 2017 12:51:32 +0100 Subject: [SigLT-L] Early Bird Registration: Faceted Classification Today, London 14-15 September In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> ===== Early Bird Registration (closes 30 June 2017) ===== The International UDC Seminar 2017 FACETED CLASSIFICATION TODAY: theory, technology and end users DATE: 14-15 September 2017 VENUE: Wellcome Collection 183 Euston Road London, United Kingdom WEBSITE: CONTACT: seminar2017 at UDC Seminar 2017 revisits faceted analytical theory as one of the most influential methodologies in the development of knowledge organization systems. We invite information professionals, researchers, lecturers in library and information science and computer science as well as controlled vocabulary developers and designers to join us in discussing important issues related to 'facets' and their application in information organization and discovery. Various aspects of facet analysis will be discussed by the most eminent authors in the field of knowledge organization and classification: Richard Smiraglia, Vanda Broughton, Birger Hjorland, Claudio Gnoli, Joseph Tennis, Martin Fricke, Dagobert Soergel, Rebecca Green, Rick Szostak, A.R.D. Prasad, et al. The conference proceedings will be published by Ergon and distributed at the conference. To learn more about the conference programme and to register, go to the conference website Early bird registration opens 15 May 2017: ?250 early bird fee, students ?220 (closes on 30 June) ?290 regular fee, students ?250 About the organizer: "Faceted Classification Today" is the sixth biennial conference in a series of International UDC Seminars organized by the Universal Decimal Classification Consortium (UDC Consortium). UDCC is a not-for-profit organization, based in The Hague, established to maintain and distribute the UDC and to support its use and development ( UDC is one of the most widely used knowledge organization systems in the bibliographic domain. -- Dr Aida Slavic Editor-in-Chief UDC Email: aida.slavic at --- UDC Consortium PO Box 90407 2509 LK The Hague The Netherlands --- Web: Email: mail at ______________________ * International UDC Seminar 2017 - London, 14-15 September - * UDC Online Hub (6 languages): * UDC Summary (56 languages): The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is the world's foremost multilingual classification scheme for all fields of knowledge, a sophisticated indexing and retrieval tool ______________________ From rsandusky at Thu Jun 8 10:16:25 2017 From: rsandusky at (Robert Sandusky) Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2017 09:16:25 -0500 Subject: [SigLT-L] Register for the 2017 DataONE Users Group Meeting Message-ID: *Registration is open until July 17th for the DataONE Users Group (DUG) meeting* Meeting will be held July 24th ? 25th 2017 and co-located with the Summer ESIP Federation Meeting at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. The DataONE Users Group (DUG) meeting will be a 2-day event featuring plenary presentations, topical breakout sessions, and community-led discussions. *There is no registration fee to attend and participate in the DUG meeting* Information, registration and group hotel rates can be found at: *Meeting Theme and Objectives* The 2017 meeting theme, ?Data Discoverability, Reproducibility, and Sustainability?, will bring together stakeholders to explore current advancements in these areas. Community talks and posters that explore broad topics of discoverability, reproducibility and sustainability are invited. Some examples are provided below: *Data Discoverability:* - Describing, Documenting, and Representing Data - Connecting journal articles to datasets to repositories - Distinguishing between publishing, data, preservation repositories *Reproducibility:* - Best Practices, Guidelines, and Standards - Procedures, Tools, and Workflows - Projects, Prototypes, and Use Cases *Sustainability:* - Collaborations, Partnerships, and Stakeholders - Infrastructure, Resources, and Support - Computation, Integration, and Certification DataONE encourages DataONE Member Nodes, data scientists, researchers, scientists, students and others to submit abstracts for posters and talks. *Abstract Submission for Posters* Abstracts for posters are solicited during the registration process. Poster submissions will remain open until July. *Important dates* Hotel block available: *July 7, 2017 or until filled* Meeting registration and poster submission deadline: *July 17, 2017* Thanks! Bob Sandusky University of Illinois at Chicago DataONE Users Group Steering Committee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From youakim.badr at Fri Jun 16 18:00:24 2017 From: youakim.badr at (Youakim Badr) Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2017 00:00:24 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [SigLT-L] ACM MEDES 2017 (Bangkok, Thailand): Submission deadline has been extended Message-ID: <> Please distribute widely and accept our apologies for cross-posting * *************** CALL FOR PAPERS *************** (Extended version: June 26th, 2017) *** Extended versions of selected papers will be published in Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, published by Springer *** The 9th International ACM Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems (MEDES'17) In-Cooperation with ACM, ACM SIGAPP and IFIP WG 2.6 November 7-10, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand Description and Objectives --------------------------- In the world of the Internet of Things (IoT), the rapid growth and exponential use of digital components leads to the emergence of intelligent environments namely "digital ecosystems" connected to the web and composed of multiple and independent entities such as individuals, organizations, services, software and applications sharing one or several missions and focusing on the interactions and inter-relationships among them. With the help of the computational intelligence, these digital ecosystems can exhibit new self-* properties (such as self-management, self-healing and self-configuration) environments, thanks to the re-combination and evolution of its "digital components", in which resources provided by each entity are properly conserved, managed and used. The underlying web-based resources mainly comprehend big data management, innovative services, smart and self-* properties platforms. Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of digital ecosystems, they are highly complex to study and design. This also leads to a poor understanding as to how managing resources will empower digital ecosystems to be innovative, intelligent and value-creating. The application of Information Technologies has the potential to enable the understanding of how entities request resources and ultimately interact to create benefits and added-values, impacting business practices and knowledge. These technologies can be improved through novel techniques, models and methodologies for fields such as big data management, web technologies, networking, security, human-computer interactions, artificial intelligence, e-services and self-organizing systems to support the establishment of digital ecosystems and manage their resources. The International Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems (MEDES),previously named "The International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems", aims to develop and bring together a diverse community from academia, research laboratories and industry interested in exploring the manifold challenges and issues related to resource management of Digital Ecosystems and how current approaches and technologies can be evolved and adapted to this end. MEDES 2017 calls for full papers presenting interesting recent results or novel ideas in all areas of Emergent Digital EcoSystems. At the same time, the conference calls for short papers presenting interesting and exciting recent results or novel thought-provoking ideas that are not quite ready, and preferably include a system demonstration. Topics ------- MEDES 2017 seeks contributions in the following areas: - Digital Ecosystem Infrastructure - Data & Knowledge Management - Computational and Collective Intelligence - Semantic Computing - Software ecosystems for software engineering - Big Data - Services - Trust, Security & Privacy - Software Engineering - Internet of Things and Intelligent Web - Cyber Physical Systems - Social and Collaborative Platforms - Human-Computer Interaction - Open Source - Applications (Logistics, Energy, Healthcare, Environment, Smart Cities, Digital Humanities, Robotics, etc.) - Complex Systems and Networks Paper Submission ---------------- Submissions must be in an electronic form as PDF format and should be uploaded using the conference website. The submitted paper should be at most 8 ACM single-space printed pages. Papers that fail to comply with length limit will be rejected. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 peer reviewers. After the preliminary notification date, authors rebut by evidence and arguments all reviewer inquiries and their comments. Based on the rebuttal feedback, reviewers notify authors with the final decision. Selection criteria will include: relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. Preference will be given to submissions that take strong or challenging positions on important emergent topics related to Digital Ecosystems. At least one author should attend the conference to present the paper. The conference Proceedings will be published by ACM and indexed by the ACM Digital Library and DBLP. Important Dates ---------------- - Submission Deadline: June 26th, 2017 - Notification of Acceptance: July 25th, 2017 - Camera Ready: September 1st, 2017 - Paper Registration: September 1st, 2017 - Conference Dates: 7-10 November 2017 Advisory Chairs ---------------- Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Ernesto Damiani, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy Conference Chairs ---------------- Richard Chbeir, University of Pau and Adour Countries, France Asanee Kawtrakul, Kasetsart University, Thailand Program Chairs ---------------- William Grosky, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA Toshikazu Kato, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan Ali Ouni, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan International Program Committee -------------------------------- (Please check the web site for the full list) From youakim.badr at Sat Jun 24 01:29:57 2017 From: youakim.badr at (Youakim Badr) Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2017 07:29:57 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [SigLT-L] ACM MEDES 2017 (Bangkok, Thailand): Submission Deadline is Approaching In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> * Please distribute widely and accept our apologies for cross-posting * *************** CALL FOR PAPERS *************** (Extended version: June 26th, 2017) *** Extended versions of selected papers will be published in Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, published by Springer *** The 9th International ACM Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems (MEDES'17) In-Cooperation with ACM, ACM SIGAPP and IFIP WG 2.6 November 7-10, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand Description and Objectives --------------------------- In the world of the Internet of Things (IoT), the rapid growth and exponential use of digital components leads to the emergence of intelligent environments namely "digital ecosystems" connected to the web and composed of multiple and independent entities such as individuals, organizations, services, software and applications sharing one or several missions and focusing on the interactions and inter-relationships among them. With the help of the computational intelligence, these digital ecosystems can exhibit new self-* properties (such as self-management, self-healing and self-configuration) environments, thanks to the re-combination and evolution of its "digital components", in which resources provided by each entity are properly conserved, managed and used. The underlying web-based resources mainly comprehend big data management, innovative services, smart and self-* properties platforms. Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of digital ecosystems, they are highly complex to study and design. This also leads to a poor understanding as to how managing resources will empower digital ecosystems to be innovative, intelligent and value-creating. The application of Information Technologies has the potential to enable the understanding of how entities request resources and ultimately interact to create benefits and added-values, impacting business practices and knowledge. These technologies can be improved through novel techniques, models and methodologies for fields such as big data management, web technologies, networking, security, human-computer interactions, artificial intelligence, e-services and self-organizing systems to support the establishment of digital ecosystems and manage their resources. The International Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems (MEDES),previously named "The International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems", aims to develop and bring together a diverse community from academia, research laboratories and industry interested in exploring the manifold challenges and issues related to resource management of Digital Ecosystems and how current approaches and technologies can be evolved and adapted to this end. MEDES 2017 calls for full papers presenting interesting recent results or novel ideas in all areas of Emergent Digital EcoSystems. At the same time, the conference calls for short papers presenting interesting and exciting recent results or novel thought-provoking ideas that are not quite ready, and preferably include a system demonstration. Topics ------- MEDES 2017 seeks contributions in the following areas: - Digital Ecosystem Infrastructure - Data & Knowledge Management - Computational and Collective Intelligence - Semantic Computing - Software ecosystems for software engineering - Big Data - Services - Trust, Security & Privacy - Software Engineering - Internet of Things and Intelligent Web - Cyber Physical Systems - Social and Collaborative Platforms - Human-Computer Interaction - Open Source - Applications (Logistics, Energy, Healthcare, Environment, Smart Cities, Digital Humanities, Robotics, etc.) - Complex Systems and Networks Paper Submission ---------------- Submissions must be in an electronic form as PDF format and should be uploaded using the conference website. The submitted paper should be at most 8 ACM single-space printed pages. Papers that fail to comply with length limit will be rejected. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 peer reviewers. After the preliminary notification date, authors rebut by evidence and arguments all reviewer inquiries and their comments. Based on the rebuttal feedback, reviewers notify authors with the final decision. Selection criteria will include: relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. Preference will be given to submissions that take strong or challenging positions on important emergent topics related to Digital Ecosystems. At least one author should attend the conference to present the paper. The conference Proceedings will be published by ACM and indexed by the ACM Digital Library and DBLP. Important Dates ---------------- - Submission Deadline: June 26th, 2017 - Notification of Acceptance: July 25th, 2017 - Camera Ready: September 1st, 2017 - Paper Registration: September 1st, 2017 - Conference Dates: 7-10 November 2017 Advisory Chairs ---------------- Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Ernesto Damiani, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy Conference Chairs ---------------- Richard Chbeir, University of Pau and Adour Countries, France Asanee Kawtrakul, Kasetsart University, Thailand Program Chairs ---------------- William Grosky, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA Toshikazu Kato, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan Ali Ouni, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan International Program Committee -------------------------------- (Please check the web site for the full list)